Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask - Beauty Review

Beauty of Joseon

Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask

Rp. 0



4 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Light, Cool

16 Apr 2024

devitahaerany recommends this product!

Wash off mask yang isinya banyak banget, wanginya tuh kaya wangi dedaunan gitu jadi calming bgt deh pas dipake. Wash off mask dari BOJ ini oke sih buat ngebersihin pori-pori dan ngebuat kulit jadi lembut jg. Tapi menurutku masih termasuk ke wash off mask yang 'biasa aja', jadi ga perlu bgt buat dicoba dan dibeli 😆.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Cool

16 May 2023

AuraIsabelle doesn't recommend this product!

Sementara ini cukup bintang 3 dulu. Aku belum ngerasain hasil yang signifikan atau yang bikin wow dari masker ini. Sebenernya, ini tipikal masker yang gak bikin kulit jadi kering. It has texture wise. Lembut, bener-bener kayak pasta (somehow it feels like buttery). Ada semacam butiran dimaskernya, gak kasar sama sekali. Aromanya kayak rada apek? Entahlah. Gak menarik tapi gak mengganggu juga. Masker ini udah dilengkapin dengan spatula ya. Oh ya! Ngebersihinnya juga cukup mudah. Aku lebih suka nyisihin maskernya dulu baru dibilas biar lebih mudah dibersihin. Sejauh pemakaian ini, ya ngerasanya biasa aja. Gak refreshinh, gak kerasa deep cleansing, atau lainnya (seenggak nya untuk saat ini belum terasa yang gimana-gimana).

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

21 Apr 2023

amabel recommends this product!

One of the best non-stripping clay mask amongst any other local and korean brand I’ve tried on my acne-prone, sensitive combi skin!☺️ The red bean peel bits also gently exfoliates my when rinsing this off. This formula doesn’t harden or strip moisture. After first use, my skin tone brightened and skin texture slightly smoothened. The fragrance doesn’t irritate my eczema-prone skin too. Comes in a 140ml jar with a spatula… Great value for quantity and quality🌟

Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask imgfdnrev-f0805686-ac6a-42f3-865d-dddc43119ce6-2394384 1
Beauty of Joseon Red Bean Refreshing Pore Mask imgfdnrev-3cd9fe43-d9e8-4dcf-b293-4e8598250f63-2394384 2

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

16 Apr 2023

abigails recommends this product!

The first thing I noticed about this is that it smells absolutely amazing✨. It's easy to apply n rinse off n also doesn't dry down. Everytime I’ve used this, when I wash it off my skin has been brightened, really soft n fresh as well. It is a moisturizing soft mud mask infused red bean extract, read bean powder that can remove impurities n refresh the skin.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee