Aesop Parsley Seed Facial Cleansing Masque - Beauty Review


Parsley Seed Facial Cleansing Masque

Rp. 523.000



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19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Nov 2021

audinna recommends this product!

My face is dry and super sensitive, this masque helps me to hydrate and fortify my skin barrier. I use it once a week for the whole face – I can see such a difference after washing it. I also like the herbs smell as well :) leaves the skin refreshed!!!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Dark, Warm

11 May 2019

pakainya gampang banget diratain dan dibilas. dibiarin kering sampe lama juga gak bikin muka kering. efeknya di kulit berasa bersih banget. packagingnya bisa bener2 dikuras sampe abis jadi gak rugi. yang bikin gak suka cuma wanginya kayak jamu dan lumayan ada terus selama maskernya masih ada di muka.



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Dark, Cool

20 Mar 2019

My go to cleansing mask! It didn’t irritate my skin even when it’s at its most sensitive state. I love how it’s not too drying for a deep cleansing mask - which is rare. I also love the herbal scent and the whole branding + packaging. I love Aesop, period.



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

14 Mar 2018

The first cleansing mask that DID IT for me!
Whenever my skin feels unstable, I would apply this and minimum layering afterwards. I can sleep tight and expect clean, calm skin afterwards!! I could use this every night and my skin will not feel irritated/ dehydrated afterwards. Just pore-deep clean.



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

19 Mar 2016

Love love their scents. Wanginya herbal bgt bikin ngerasa kayak di spa. Setelah pemakaian rasanya kulit bersih banget semua kotoran terangkat.I love their branding. Sayangnya produk" Aesop sedikit overpriced dgn kualitas yg ga jauh beda dgn harga yg di bawahnya. 



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Cool

17 Jan 2016

There is something just so wonderful about this style of packaging; I can’t put my finger on it but I think it’s just that it’s quite a bit different to typical skincare packaging, plus it has that apothecary vibe that makes it fun to play with. Rasanya muka ku bener bener clean abis pake ini



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

07 Oct 2015

Sukaaaa sekali sama masker ini. Meskipun ini clay mask, tapi masker ini sama sekali nggak bikin kulit kering sampai ngerasa kulit kayak ketarik. Mungkin karena memang ditujukan untuk kulit kering dan sensitif. Selain itu, masker ini juga sangat mudah dihapusnya. Nggak perlu gosok-gosok kulit sampai merah. Cukup dibasahi air sedikit saja dan digosok perlahan langsung hilang dengan mudah. Masker ini juga efektif untuk mengangkat kotoran ke permukaan. Wanginya sangat herbal, nggak seperti banyak bahan kimianya. Harganya memang cukup mahal, tapi bisa bertahan sampai satu tahun kok dengan pemakaian rutin 1-2 minggu sekali.