23.5°N Oriental Beauty Tea Balancing Gel Mask - Beauty Review


Oriental Beauty Tea Balancing Gel Mask

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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

28 Apr 2019

This one I don't like as much... bukan karena gak sesuai fungsinya, but it's just a bit uncomfortable on my skin and not as multifunctional as the other one. Please note ini claimnya oil controlling dan cukup narik sih. I thought b/c the texture is similar to the bamboo one dan ada sodium hyaluronatenya, it won't be thattttt different (#salahsendiri), tp ternyata beda!

Secara tekstur mirip bgt dgn yg bamboo. Clear, light gel, almost scentless. Easy to spread. Not too watery, not thick either. Great texture! Di awal jg mirip, cooling and calming spt gel moisturizer. Tapi setelah 5 menit maskernya agak mengering dan ninggalin lapisan yg lbh ketat dr pada yg bamboo. After 15-20 mins lumayan ketat, wlpun gak sekering clay mask, but enough to make you wanna wash it off. The product info tells you to wash it off after 20 mins and you'd want to follow it. The brand also doesn't recommend it to ppl w/ sensitive skin and I completely agree. Aku jg gak rekomendasiin utk jadiin ini leave on mask/moisturizer yg langsung dipake setelah cleansing; I think you should put some moisturizing products first before this. Setelah dibilas kulit jg gak plump, unlike the bamboo.

This might be great for ppl yg suka oil-control masks tp yg lg nyari opsi yg lbh mild. Might be great to clear up the skin pas siang2 lg panas, lembab, dan kulit berminyak pol tp mau skip cleanser.