23.5°N Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Gel Mask - Beauty Review


Bamboo Ultra Hydrating Gel Mask

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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

28 Apr 2019

jjjfren recommends this product!

Jarang terkesan dgn wash-off mask, tapi ini oke bgt... Produk ini menarik karena dia multifungsi, bisa dibilas atau dibiarin aja spt moisturizer biasa. No wonder this is a favorite among Asian Beauty bloggers/reviewers. Ini gel ringan, transparan, no scent. Teksturnya gak secair Fresh rose mask, tp jg gak kental/lengket kaya TBS honey mask. Gampang diratakan, kaya gel moisturizer, very cooling and calming. Paling suka pake ini pagi sbg pengganti morning cleanser. I prefer not to follow it w/ a cleanser after this krn kulitnya plump dan sehat bgt, sayang kalo dilanjutin cleanser. Also great as a skin protector ketika mau mandi dgn air panas.

In the first 30 mins ada lapisan tipis yg membentuk di atas kulit, just like other wash-off masks, but it's much thinner and more comfortable. Gak terasa pengap di kulit. Kalo dibilas within 30 mins, wow kulit plump banget dan keliatan seger. Beyond how I felt w/ other moisturizing wash-off masks. Nah tp mask ini kalo kita lupa atau males bilas, after that first 30 mins ini meresap ke kulit dgn baik jd bisa ditinggalin spt moisturizer biasa, which is great if we changed our minds halfway! This part reminds me of Fresh rose mask, yg berfungsi baik tanpa dibilas. Gak bikin breakout, gak berat yg bikin pengap dan pengen bilas.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Amabie Beauty