Tosowoong Pure - Beauty Review



Green Tea Mask

Rp. 20.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Sep 2019

Wanginya sheetmask ini ya fresh and earthy lah, mungkin baunya greenb tea ya... Efek calming dan moisturizingnya berasa banget, even di oily skin macam diriku. Serumnya juga gak terlalu thick banget, jadi kalau sheetmasknya diangkat ya pliketnya ga lama, nunggu beberapa menit, udah deh bisa ditemplokin cream to lock all the goodness from this mask. Tapi yang pasti sheetmask ini adalah favoritku, dan varian yang paling aku suka tuh yang propolis & yang deep sea water. super juara, gaada lawan!



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Dark, Neutral

20 Oct 2018

seperti yg varian propolis, suka banget. wangi green tea enak gitu. kulit jadi lembab, seger, halus.
agak susah sih cari sheetmask ini. harganya pun lumayan mahal karna dia sheetmask biasa bukan hidrogel.



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

18 May 2017

MATERIAL: just as the others Tosowoong masks which have thick material, this one also does. It makes me worried with its bad adherence tho :( The fit is nice, it covers all of my face, but I still need to fold it at some parts because it's still too big. ESSENCE: crystal-essence, light-texture, has nice scent but I can't identify what :( I drink green tea everyday but this one doesn't really smell like one. Quite enjoyable tho, I can also wear it while doing light activities, I myself did it while studying lol. RESULT: I noticed a brightening effect, but I don't feel nice hydration as I feel with the Propolis one. Maybe because it's not the main focus of this product. OVERALL: I think this is just an okay mask after all, wouldn't repurchase it with my own personal money since it doesn't get listed into my HG sheet-mask.