Some by Mi Real Mask Pack - Beauty Review

Some by Mi

Real Mask Pack

Real Snail Skin Barrier Care Mask

Rp. 20.000



4 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Feb 2024

Cndycandy recommends this product!

9.5/10. Sheetmask ini bagus, dia ga bikin breakout, dia juga bikin lembab trus hydrating, ngebantu banget kalau kulitku lagi rewel atau lagi kering karena kurang minum. Buat baunya dia bau herbal gitu yaa ciri khas produknya some by mi sih kaya bau bau herbal gitu tapi ga mengganggu sih buatku. Kurangnya kadang aku ngerasa dia terlalu becek aja hehe

Some by Mi Real Mask Pack imgfdn-9c18cd92-6d9f-4cbd-8cb5-ca26b8267b3e-2548578 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Cool

08 Oct 2023

Cresencindy recommends this product!

aku ngeborong sheet mask ini pas lagi diskon lumayan dehh hehe, buat yg snail skin barrier care ini cocok banget aku pake pas kulit lagi ngamuk, karena ada kandungan snail extract yg bisa memperkuat skin barrier kulitku, essencenya ga terlalu thick, nyerapnya juga cepet sih

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

22 Aug 2023

natashachrysd recommends this product!

I was looking for cheap mask to soothe my angry sensitive skin and came across this product! It was cheap and got even cheaper due to sale. Anyway, I’m experienced in using snail-y product (such as benton & cosrx snail essence), so I assumed there should be no problem with this mask. It is true! No negative effect at all! Instead, it made my skin glowing and even subsides acne! The texture of the essence is on the heavier side, which makes the mask heavy and a little bit difficult to separate because it is using quite a thin fabric. The downside of this product is the aroma, it smells chemical and reminds me of some sort of medicine..

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

30 Aug 2021

lavenda recommends this product!

Gegara liat iklan di home nya IG, sheetmask ini bener2 bikin ngiler, modelnya juga mendukung dan penyampaiannya pas banget! keren, kesannya sheetmask Korea terbaiq, tapi yah hasilnya biasa aja, bukan yang super banget atau gimana gitula.. Masih terbilang bagus, lembabnya pas banget! banjir di muka tapi cepet meresapnya dan cepet keringnya.. Aq pasangin snail barrier sheetmask ini dgn Retinol, soalnya aman, ga ada bahan aktif sama sekali, bahkan snailnya ada di bawah2 dan cuma 100 ppm loh! Kecil banget ya kan.. Alhasil ga berasa esensi snail nya sama skali, hanya lembabnya aja yang pas dengan gel yg bertekstur jelly bening..

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee