E Nature Iroul: E Yam Enriched Hemp Sheet Mask - Beauty Review

E Nature

Iroul: E Yam Enriched Hemp Sheet Mask

Rp. 175.000



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30 - 34

Dry, Light, Warm

29 Feb 2020

DwD recommends this product!

Udah lama ga sheet mask-an karena males dan kembali lagi gara-gara penasaran sama ini. Pas baca bahannya wah, sheet mask-nya terbuat dari hemp dan based on my limited understanding, hemp itu satu family sama marijuana. Ga, ga bikin efek high kok karena emang beda. Tipikal sheet mask yang kasar bukan yang halus dan sheet mask-nya lebar dan gede jadi agak susah buat bikin rapi di muka. It has so much essence in it even after I applied what’s left inside the packaging all over my body. Ga abis-abis LOL! Upon waking up, I could feel my face is more hydrated and plump, bahkan ngerasa lebih kencang. Klaimnya mengurangi iritasi sama inflamasi tapi I noticed ada jerawat kecil muncul di jidat sama my PIE is more prominent but it’s alright. Boleh dicoba karena it’s not like your typical sheet mask. A bit pricey, though.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Gift