AHC Black Rose Facial Ampoule Mask - Beauty Review


Black Rose Facial Ampoule Mask

Rp. 49.000



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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

22 Aug 2021

lazyperfectionist recommends this product!

Masker dari AHC yg pertama kali aku coba, dan suka banget. Wangi mawar karena emang kandungannya ekstrak bunga mawar, maskernya warna hitam sesuai dgn namanya, dan yg paling aku suka itu sama sekali ga ada rasa lengket pas pake, maupun setelah dilepas. Abis dipake juga berasa terhidrasi banget. Will surely repurchase this.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

14 Aug 2021

ekanisyt recommends this product!

kemasan bergambar botol ampul. pas dibuka langsung kecium aroma mawar. sheet-nya warna hitam, bukan tipe yang tipis kayak kulit kedua, tapi ga ketebelan. pas dipake mengcover seluruh wajah, kecuali area dahi (biasanya emang gini karena dahinya yang lebar wkwk) dan bawah dagu (pas sampe batas tepi rahang). essence-nya agak kental, ga terlalu kebanyakan, ada lebihan di kemasan tapi cukup untuk dipake satu layer di muka. sheet mask-nya dipake 20 menit, nyaman-nyaman aja. setelahnya kerasa lembab dan keliatan glowing. ga terlalu kerasa menghidrasi, tapi cukup sih. entah kenapa ada sedikit residu serpihan sheet-nya di muka.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Others



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

02 Oct 2020

audienzy recommends this product!

A black sheet mask with rose extract, faintly smelled of rose. It claims could brighten and moisture the skin. It feels like regular sheet mask for me, although the sheet could cover my face well. Wait until 20 minutes or less. After removing the sheet we can give a quick massage or just 'dab dab' our face. Sad thing is, it doesn't have much leftover essence. 😔 As I mentioned before it feels just like regular sheet mask, wait until you remove it. It does give my skin moist, and seems clear. I didn't get any annoying pimples, etc. I think I have to restock! hahaha You should give it a try! Another interesting thing is it has an temperature indicator behind the packaging. AHC suggests to store it first in refrigerator to get better result.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sociolla