SilkyGirl Gentle Eye and Lip Makeup Remover - Beauty Review


Gentle Eye and Lip Makeup Remover

Rp. 35.000



189 users

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6% users

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jul 2023

amelnanda doesn't recommend this product!

I bought this because I was influenced by beauty vlogger Abel Cantika. She used this and said it was good. I hadn't tried it before, but I immediately bought 2 bottles because I trusted Abel so much, and the price was also cheap. When I used it, I realized that it didn't effectively remove waterproof mascara. I had to make multiple attempts to fully clean it. Repurchase? No. 🙅‍♀️

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Jan 2022

rahayurii recommends this product!

Efektif buat bersihin eyeliner dan lipstik secara cepat. Untuk maskara butuh effort lebih banyak daripada eyeliner, tapi di mataku gak bikin pedih. Minyaknya cukup licin tapi bisa dengan mudah diangkat dengan micellar water.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Century



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

15 Jul 2021

giselanastiti doesn't recommend this product!

I bought this product on January this year. I hoped that this one would work as a great eye and lip makeup remover. Unfortunately, I didn't get the result as I wished. This product did the job. Yeah, this one could easily remove my eye and lip makeup. Furthermore, this product could remove my matte lipstick and waterproof mascara. The down side was I needed to work harder to remove the makeup. I didn't want to rub my eye harshly since our eye area was a sensitive part so that, we had to treat it gently. This product had this oil part as the makeup remover. Unfortunately, this oil was too greasy for my liking. The residue was too much. I really needed to get it off soon because I didn't feel comfortable with that. The bottle of this product was made from plastic and it was good to bring around. The size of this eye makeup remover was small so that, it was also perfect for traveling purpose. The price was still affordable for me. To be honest, I didn't like this product. I won't repurchase this product.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

29 Dec 2020

iinwirayantiv doesn't recommend this product!

(+) Harga terjangkau, mudah ditemukan, packaging kecil ringan, dan efektif untuk menghapus matte lipstick. // (-) Kurang efektif untuk menghapus waterproof mascara atau eyeliner, ada efek greasy setelah pemakaian, meninggalkan residu dan perih bila mengenai mata. Baru bisa bersih secara maksimal setelah menggunakan 3-4 lembar kapas. // Disankan untuk kocok terlebih dahulu agar oilnya bercampur dengan cairan pembersihnya.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Transmart



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

03 Nov 2020

putrinm25 recommends this product!

Waktu itu belum punya remover dan pas lagi belanja make up direkomendasiin ini sama mbak-mbak penjaga tokonya haha. Berdasarkan pengalaman aku, ini cukup bagus sih tapi untuk hapus make up yang waterproof harus berkali-kali usap gitu, jadi kadang kulit suka perih-perih gimana gitu. Repurchase? No, sudah menemukan yang lebih baik :)

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Neutral

31 Aug 2020

vinkaalberta recommends this product!

waktu itu kepepet banget beli ini karna abis beli loreal lash paradise trus ternyata lorealnya gabisa keapus pake micellar water biasa :") Pas hapus pake ini lancar banget, semua unsur lash paradise hilang dari bulumata tanpa menggunakan tekanan yang berlebih! + harganya murahh

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Guardian



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Aug 2020

fifisnaini recommends this product!

i like this product actually. dia ga bikin perih di mata, lumayan bisa ngangkat eye makeup yang tebel sekalipun. bagus kok tapi gabagus yang kaya gimana gitu. soalnya tetep harus pake usaha dulu ngangkat eyemakeup nya 😅 tapi i prefer this brand than wardah eyeexpert makeup remover itu. kaya nya bakal repurchase kalau ada promo 😁

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

03 Aug 2020

overtanned recommends this product!

I actually liked this product. Menurutku ini produk worth it dengan harga yang murce dengan kemampuan membersihkan yang cukup baik. Dupenya Maybelline Eye Lip Makeup Remover lah menurutku. Aman juga untuk kulit sensitif karena ga ada fragrance maupun rasa yang aneh-aneh. Tidak bikin iritasi atau kemerahan dan semacamnya.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Matahari



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Neutral

17 Jul 2020

dniita recommends this product!

dapet ini dari pameran Beauty di bandung. untuk reaksinya di kulit w ini biasa aja. enggak ada istimewa ya. enggak bikin w BO. harus berkali2 apply baris bisa bersih. untuk repurchase no. karna w udah pakai produk lainnya.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

03 Jul 2020

Imeldagp01 doesn't recommend this product!

Beli ini karena harganya murah dan mudah dididapatkan distore manapun. Sayangnya buat menghapus maskara/eyeliner perlu berkali” itu yg biasa gimana yg waterproof? Sampe kadang karena aku gosoknya terlalu keras bulu mataku jadi rontok. Tapi ya namanya juga harga murah kualitasnya bisa kelihatan.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Indomaret
