MAC Cleanse Off Oil - Beauty Review


Cleanse Off Oil

Rp. 400.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

05 May 2020

windysaskia recommends this product!

Dapet ini jadi gift waktu sale nya Lzd, pertama aku kurang biasa sih sama oil type gini.. tp setelah ngabisin 2 botol mini nya cukup mengesankan. Buat jd double cleansing enak juga, tapi harganya emang lumayan mahal, kayanya masih banyak yg harganya lebih murah dan bagus. Worth to try ✌🏻

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

30 Jun 2018

Got the sample size one and very excited to try this Cleansing oil. Despite the luxurious fragrant, honestly aku ga ngerasa cleansing oil ini ampuh untuk melunturkan make up dengan sekali pakai. If I swipe my face after rinsing it with water, there were still lottts of makeup residues. Tapi dengan harganya yg lumayan, rasanya klo mesti 2x cleansing pake ini kan jadi sayang bgd.
I would say, if you really want to splurge a cleansing oil, try the Pure One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil from Tatcha ??



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

24 Nov 2015

I only use this to clean my heavy make up, especially on the eye area. Before use bioderma, I apply the product to my eyes (it doesn't hurt at all btw) and wash it with water. But sometimes I damp the cotton pads with this make up remover, then close my eyes and put the pads onto the eyelids, gently press the pads and wait for 10-20 seconds depending, remove the pads and also use them to clean the residues. It's very effective to clean heavy eye make up without breakout effect.



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Nov 2015

It's great cleansing oil, really clean my makeup without any trace. And its suprise me because even its oil, its not makes my face break out (i have acne prone skin). To bad i prefer milk cleansing, i dont really like the texture or cleansing oil. It not because the product, it just my own preference.
But i will recommend this product since this is very worth product.