KraveBeauty Makeup Re-Wined - Beauty Review


Makeup Re-Wined

Rp. 420.000



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35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

21 Jun 2023

peacockgreen recommends this product!

Talk about the consistency, ini produk percis banget sama Tavi gel to oil 1st cleanser! Warnanya sama (bening), teksturnya jeli2 gitu dan berubah jadi minyak ketika digosokkan dengan tangan. Juga fragrance-free. Jadi yaa sebenarnya kalau mau pakai produk cleansing oil berbentuk jel, nggak perlu beli Krave, pakai Tavi juga udah ok. Cuma yg aku suka dari Krave ini, dia lebih mudah lagi dibilas. Bener2 super gampang dan nggak ada residu2 minyak yg terasa mengganggu, tapi juga nggak bikin kulit kering. Hampir semua produk Krave cocok di aku sih, makanya nggak heran kalau si Makeup Re-wined ini juga cocok banget. Wajah juga bener2 bersih setelahnya. Yg menarik lagi, dia mengandung grapeseed oil yg non-comedogenic, jadi aman nggak bikin pori2 tersumbat, and I pretty much like that oil since it's said to have antioxidant property. Aku cocok dengan produk2 yg mengandung grapeseed oil. If only it comes in travel size. Hehehe ;)

KraveBeauty Makeup Re-Wined imgfdn-148e93e0-c38e-4857-b974-7a391081a0ca-2423716 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

26 Jan 2023

abigails recommends this product!

Teksturnys tidak seperti cleansing balm pada umumnya, Konsistensinya kaya hybrid formula, it’s literally jelly. This cleanser is so so good on my skin, it does s good job for breaking down all my makeup like it really melts away makeup just as effortlessly as a makeup wipe sunscreen n oil of my face. It also hydrating n nourishing on the skin setelah dibilas. I don't know, I've never seen Krave fail to make a product. It’s still my favorite skincare brand until now

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee