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26 Jan 2020
ninaradinia recommends this product!
Bingung liat review pd kasi rating rendah krn aku suka lho sm brush ini. Aku pake buat bronzer atau blush, ga ada kesulitan buat ngeblend atau apa. Malah lumayan awet krn belinya udah lama bgt waktu awal kenal makeup. Udah pernah dicuci pake brush soap (& jemur setelahnya), masih oke oke aja. Cuma sekarang udah ga pake lg krn coba-coba yg lain & udah entah dimana.
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
01 Apr 2018
Dapat ini dari 10-piece brush set-nya ELF. I personally think this is the most uncomfortable among the brushes (yg sekarang tinggal 8 biji kuas aja ?), karena bristles-nya lebih kasar. Jarang banget aku pakai. I would recommend the whole set, karena harganya terjangkau & brushes-nya berguna, but I don't recommend using this one brush, apalagi kalau kulitnya cenderung sensitif.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
23 Sep 2017
sbnrnya aq beli ini utk bronzer...krna emank utk bronzer kan claimnya..lagian hrgnya murmer....aq pke lah buat bronzer....n trnyta its so bad....bulunya terlalu lemah..jd ga bs ngeblend bronzer dgn baik...dan akhirnya aq pke utk apply highlighter aja ...
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
06 Dec 2015
seri essential emang lebih murah ya daripada yang studio
gagangnya putih kokoh si, cuma bulunya ternyata ga selembut yang diharapkan, jadi agak nyesel belinya
cuma ya dengan harga segitu wajar sih kualitasnya jd kurang oke
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
15 Nov 2015
Its Just ok! This brush is functional, but not great. I would spend $1 more and get one of the studio brushes because they are softer and seem to be much better quality. will not purchase any essential brushes from elf!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
14 Oct 2015
Belinya bareng yg satu set, jadi dapet lebih murah. Bentuk dan ukurannya pas banget untuk apply shade pipi, jadi mudah banget contourin pipi. Cuma bulunya kasar banget, kalo apply contour atau blush kerasa sakit biarpun uda halus2 nemplokinnya..
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
28 Sep 2015
+ Works really well to spread and blend the contour powder
+ The angle fits my jaw and cheeks
+ The handle is not too long nor too big/small, it's enough for my hand
- The bristle is not really soft :(
- I'd prefer not to use it for blushing since it's rough and too small
- Also, I'd prefer dark color handles, since I'm clumsy and nasty at the same time ;)
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :