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30 Oct 2016
This is one of the first makeup brush that I own. You could use it for eye brow powder application and for eyeliner too.I only use this brush for eyebrow powder application, it applies just the right amount of brow powder, great for making neat straight line and make it easy to shape the arch of the brows. My first MAC 266 brush last for about 7-8 years with daily use. So it worth every penny.The only downside is, I find this brush if too hard and scretchy for eyeliner application. But lots of peoples love to use it for eyeliner.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
22 Aug 2015
Brush kesayangan gw yang selalu gw cari untuk bikin alis. Juara banget buat bikin alis. Biasanya sih gw pake buat ngisi alis pake brow powder. Hasilnya oke banget. Brush nya juga awet banget, ga gampang rusak. Bulu-bulunya ngga gampang rontok pdhl udah gw cuci berkali-kali.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
05 Dec 2013
This is something I've been using for the past 10 years. Bener-bener yang dipakai setiap hari untuk menebalkan alis. Apalagi gue punyanya yang kecil/LE, menurut gue lebih enak aja sih untuk dipakai di alis. Udah punya 10 tahun dan masih awet aja. Kalo sampai hilang pasti sedih banget...dan pasti langsung beli lagi besoknya :D. Bisa juga dipakai untuk upper and lower eyeliner.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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