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20 Jun 2018
Antique ini menurut aku bener2 antique warnanya hahaha, kyk bronze tp ada red nya bener2 lain dr yg lain (klo skrg emg uda byk sih yg ngeluarin warna begni). As usual, beli krena teracuni youtuber2 yg suka pake ini and I thought it was so pretty, still is actually.
Lalu untuk finish eyeshadow ini itu ga shimmery tp sheen gt, it’s so easy to blend and it looks really nice for the outter corner to make soft smoky eyes ;)
Recommended gengs!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
20 Jun 2018
Antique ini menurut aku bener2 antique warnanya hahaha, kyk bronze tp ada red nya bener2 lain dr yg lain (klo skrg emg uda byk sih yg ngeluarin warna begni). As usual, beli krena teracuni youtuber2 yg suka pake ini and I thought it was so pretty, still is actually.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :