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21 Apr 2020
aninditasj recommends this product!
aku iseng beli pas di US murah banget kayanya cmn 2 dolar, eh ternyata bagusss!! ga nyangka banget, blending powernya manstap dan alus banget banget. Bener2 brush yang fungsional dan ga neko-neko, dan kalo rusak or mulai jelek ngga sakit hati krn murah bgt
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : target
04 Apr 2018
Aku ampe punya 3 backup loh. Ini brush guna banget buat mata orang asia terutama mata yang lipetannya gk gitu ada atau gk ada sama sekali lol. Sizenya pas banget buat bikin crease effect di mata mono lid. Emang gk selembut real technique tapi justru bagus soalnya karna texturenya yang gk lembut banget eyeshadow jadi lebih gampang ke ambil termasuk eyeshadow powdery dan gak pigmented (ahem! Maybelline/ emina). Must have buat yang pemula maupun makeup artis
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
26 Feb 2018
Ukurannya nggak terlalu besar & pas untuk nge-pack warna di area crease. Bulunya lembut & nggak gampang patah/rontok setelah dicuci & dikeringkan. Harganya terjangkau & kebanyakan online store sudah punya. I would def buy another soon!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
11 Aug 2016
The tappered shape makes it easy for me to apply transition shade in my monolid eyes. For me, it is the perfect dense that it's not too fluffy yet not to dense that makes it hard to blend. Though the long bristles somehow could make a harsh line along the crease area. Despite that, the bristles are soft and it carries good amount of product each time. It is very cheap while also comparable to high end brushes.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
17 Jan 2016
I love that it is a small crease brush that is suitable for my smaller eyes. The brush is fluffy and soft, but isn't the best in blending imo. You need to use better quality eyeshadow in order to have that blended look with this brush, since better quality eyeshadows need smaller effort to blend anyway.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :