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17 Jan 2016
I don't really use this blending brush since it is quite big. The bristles are soft like other elf brushes. Compared to MAC 217, it is slightly wider and more tapered. Thus I use this brush more to place colors on the lids, since using this to blend would just make the colors to spread all over the place.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
16 Dec 2015
blending brush dari elf ini cutup bagus juga si menurut aku. dia bulunya ga gampang rontok gitu, terus juga halus banget dan buat geblend eyeshadow itu smooth banget. harganya juga terjangkau si kalau menurut aku.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
15 Nov 2015
Salah satu best seller brush-nya elf.
It has super fluffy, smooth, and not so dense bristle.
Ujungnya yang agak runcing dan pipih bikin brush ini cocok dipake untuk ngeblend eyeshadow di mata kecilku.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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