Aeris Beaute The Golden Silk - Beauty Review

Aeris Beaute

The Golden Silk

S3 Pro Foundation

Rp. 95.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

22 Nov 2023

nasyanauli recommends this product!

this is a good foundation brush, but it's not my favorite. aku kalo apply foundation/cream makeup products selalu pake gerakan kombinasi tap-tap dan buffing. nah untuk tap-tap pake brush ini terlalu padetttt. i know a dense brush can be good to apply foundation but this one is waaaay to dense and makes it difficult to tap in foundation. and i'm used to applying foundation with my favorite buffing brush morphe m439, and compared to this the aeris foundation brush is too small, lama2 pegel gitu loh buff in foundationnya. malah aku lebih suka apply concealer under eye dengan brush ini, karena anglenya cocok utk di bawah mata. but even then the bristles are far too dense for my liking. i wish it was a bit more flexible, it would make the buffing much quicker and easier. other than that, the golden silk brushes from aeris have impeccable softness and awesome quality.. i've washed the brushes over and over again and the bristles doesn't shed almost at all. overall i would recommend having this in your collection, especially those who prefer dense and packed brushes..

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Dark, Neutral

09 Nov 2023

Tatagils2 recommends this product!

Ohalaaw, aku pake ini waktu masih banget jadi pemula cukup membantu aku buat blend foundation, karna ini kuas buat foundation, bagus tapi lebih enak pake sponge setelah udah jago blend foundation tapi ya oke juga buat pemula bisa dicoba checkout, hehe

Aeris Beaute  The Golden Silk imgfdn-03a89dc4-1f62-4c8c-95e5-ee235724bc20-2499866 1
Aeris Beaute  The Golden Silk imgfdn-120a75cd-1373-46e4-8d88-6a51e7ca7551-2499866 2

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Female Daily Studio



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

09 Aug 2023

beatrixmicha recommends this product!

Udah lama cari foundie brush tipe yg padet gini buat full coverage foundie ato pake cream blush, akhirnya menjatuhkan hati ke aeris gara2 kemakan live tiktok. Pake box cantik banget, gagangnya juga cantik gold doff gitu. Katanya seri ini seri terhalusnya aeris, cuma menurut aku masi ga sehalus itu. Ada beberapa helai yang nusuk. Agak skeptis sama coveragenya, tapi ternyata okey kok! Foundationku bisa bener2 full coverage!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

24 Jul 2023

eka_j123 recommends this product!

gw baru belajar di dunia permakeupan, saking niatnya pertama kali beli brush yg menurutku cukup mehong, tapi tentu saja dengan harapan hasil yg memuaskan, sebelumnya punya brush yg murah, tp hasilnya kurang puas terus nusuk2 jd malas belajar2 makeup lagi, baru akhir bulan lalu memutuskan untuk serius belajar makeup2, mulai dari brush aeris ini yg aku rasain di wajah aku enak2 ajasih, kaga nusuk2, cmn ini kudu ditekan supaya blendnya bagus, alhasil sdkt sakit, masih belajar2 jg dari yutub hihihi next mgkn pengen nyoba beauty bland dari aeris deh

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

03 Apr 2023

yola0 recommends this product!

Sebenernya agak skeptis sama bentuk atasnyaa yg kayak loose gtu kurang nge grip. But it Turns out so well. Bristle yg atas its not an issue for me. Empuk juga pas dipake. Kecualli klo bener2 dirasain teksturnya, ada bbrp helai yg bikin nusuk (tp kekuatan max tangan ya) It comes with a box. Gagang nya ga berat tp msh luxury look nya. Tangkai nya termasuk ug tipis gitu ga bulky . Bristle Nya menurutku termasuk tipis. O God, Super sukaaa. Tp msh tipisan ecotools yg brushnya warna cokelat

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee