theBalm Meet Matt(e) Hughes Long-Lasting Liquid Lipstick - Beauty Review


Meet Matt(e) Hughes Long-Lasting Liquid Lipstick


Rp. 260.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

27 Jan 2021

giselanastiti doesn't recommend this product!

I had this when I was still in college. I used this quite frequent back then. This lip cream had a minty smell. Honestly, I didn't really like it. The smell was more like a medicine for me lol. The color was okay in my opinion. Unfortunately, it had this light purple color. It wasn't my cup of tea honestly. I preferred more mauvy, rose or even dark red if it was possible since I was a huge fan of bold lip color. It was way too matte for me. I had a very dry lips and I had to use a lip balm before I used this lip cream. If I didn't use one, I might have a chapped lips. It was way too dry, so I didn't recommend to all of you who had a dry lips like me. The price was okay though. The Balm was pretty famous back then and I wondered if The Balm still nailed her game in lip cream thing like this since some local brands are stepping up on their game. Not going to repurchase.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Instagram



25 - 29

Dry, Light, Neutral

22 Jun 2018

aku bli ini versi mini size ada 5 shade kalau gak salah. wanginyaa enak kayak cake gituuu. tapi sayang tekstur gak enak bikin kering banget di bibir aku. terus suka transfer kemana2. jadi jarang banget aku pake