theBalm Meet Matt(e) Hughes Long-Lasting Liquid Lipstick - Beauty Review


Meet Matt(e) Hughes Long-Lasting Liquid Lipstick


Rp. 260.000



6 users

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33% users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

17 May 2020

okendsha recommends this product!

suka bangeeett sama baunya , seger gituu . apalagi dibibir ada efek mint nya .. warna merahnya oke , aku pakai buat ombre bagian bibir dalam , dan warnanya jd natural oke punya .. hehe .. dipakai tanpa ombre juga meranya bagus , sekali swatch udah cukup buat nutupin bibir gelap

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

28 Jan 2020

larasati_kharomah recommends this product!

Bagus banget buat covering dark lips. Yg buat kurang suka tuh wanginya yg minty gitu, terus teksturnya yg tebel binggo buat bibir kerasa agak berat. Ujung" nya jadi ngerasa kering terus bibir w, padahal udah pake lip balm. Sayang banget dgn harga yg lumayan pricey gitu, jd jarang kepake.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : SOGO



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

14 Oct 2019

giselanastiti doesn't recommend this product!

When I openned this, I was like ew. The smell is so freaking bad. I don't like the minty smell. It also contains alcohol in it and it's hella strong for my nose. One thing for sure, I love how the color on my lips. It looks like a pretty dark berry tone on me. The color is perfect for my dark skin tone. I'm sorry that it's also too drying for my lips. So that, I need to apply a lot of lip balm to make sure my lips won't dry when using this. The packaging is so so but well, you can notice it right away since it has 70s vibe with Black and White tone on the label. The price is well not so cheap, so I wouldn't recommend this to all of you. There are a lot of lip creams which far better than this one and of course, way more cheaper than this. I'm not going to repurchase.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Instagram



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

03 Jul 2018

Bibir saya tuh sensitive banget dan super kering, pengen nyobain lipstick liquid matte yang lagi happening tapi khawatir. Udah beberapa kali nyobain selalu gagal, iseng beli the balm waktu ada diskon di salah satu OL shop dan memang lagi nyari lipstick merah. Suka banget sama teksturnya walaupun matte tapi ga bikin bibir kering, tahan lama, gampang dihapus, wanginya enak dan rasa mint di bibir bikin seger banget. Super love sama lipstick ini.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

27 Jun 2018

Waktu dipake dia ada bau wangi manis kayak permen mentos. Pas dipake juga ada sensasi dingin kayak permen mint gitu. Warnanya cantik banget, cocok buat acara yang formal karena keliatan ‘mahal’ aja. Formulanya enak dipake, kering tapi gak bikin bibir pecah pecah. Longlasting banget. If you want a good liquid lipstick that last for a long time, ini recommended banget!



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Dark, Warm

17 Jun 2018

Ada wangi dan sensasi mint gitu di bibir pas di aplikasiin, warnanya bold dan ngejreng banget, tahan lama, ga mudah transfer, tapi harganya lumayan mahal buat mahasiswi hehe overall aku suka sama produk ini tapi kalau mau repurchase mikir2 dulu soalnya mahal:(