The Body Shop Colour Crush Lipstick - Beauty Review

The Body Shop

Colour Crush Lipstick

Redhot Raspberry

Rp. 189.000



3 users

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30 - 34

Normal, Light, Cool

12 May 2020

Menicaso doesn't recommend this product!

Saya suka lipstik cuma aroma ya agak aneh terus warna lipstik fushia ungu yg tak saya suka saya suka lipstik ini cuma warna ini yg tak saya suka pake inj pun ngk keluar lagi dari tbs ... Maafya mungkin mau cari warna lain

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

03 Jan 2017

My friend bought this when it had a 50% discount. As what the brand claims, this lip color gives you a sheer and shimmering result. She mixed this lip color with the other TBS lipstain, and the result is very beautiful. The TBS lipstain strengthened the lipstick, making her lips looked magenta with purple hint. A very bold color, I should admit.

Unfortunately the lipstick did not last long as it was not a transfer-proof one. She told me she did not use it anymore as she did not want to keep reapplying the lipstick. And obviously she did not want to repurchase it again.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

25 Jan 2016

I got this as a gift. I've never tried The Body Shop's lipstick before. Packagingnya menurutku lucu. Wanginya juga enak, although I can't describe what it smells like. Lipstick ini pigmented banget, sekali swipe warnanya udah nyala. I really love this colour. It looks fresh on me and screams my name. Ketahanannya juga lumayan, abis makan mie ayam lipsticknya masih bersisa, ekspektasinya hilang kalo abis dipake makan.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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