The Bath Box Shake Lip Pigment x Kamasean - Beauty Review

The Bath Box

Shake Lip Pigment x Kamasean


Rp. 110.000



6 users

Reviewed this

83% users

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

21 Nov 2020

lideacahya recommends this product!

productnya bagus. tahan lama juga dan gampang diblend. warnanya bagus kok untum ombre. cuma pakenya harus hati" karna dia cair agak kentel sedikit. kalau mau full lips mending pake 1-2 totol terus ratain aja biar gak beleber hehe. harganya juga murah kalau lagi ada promo✌

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

13 Oct 2020

tarisans doesn't recommend this product!

its bad product n quality, ga bisa nempel di bibirku hasilnya malah dia kluar2 ke pinggir gitu, trs nempel di gigi, pigmanted si karna dia langsung nge set di bibir, aplikatornya keras, dah lah untung dpet free gift jadi ga percuma, ini sering diskon juga kan ya

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : The shonet



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 Dec 2019

jiaxcho recommends this product!

Maybe I chose the wrong shade so it doesn't look good on me. But the quality is definitely unquestionable. It is super pigmented and light! One swipe and your lips are coated. After you apply it, it is better to dab it with a napkin and wipe out the excess. It doesn't transfer easily and it can stay long without having to reapply it often. Although you need to be careful from staining your teeth. Overall, it's worth it!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

03 Dec 2019

Wantidebora recommends this product!

Aaaahhh ini the bestt laah... ringannn, ga lengket, sekali swacth langsunggggg full,, warna nya bikin cerah wajah saya yang kuning langsat, dipake makann siang, minum ini itu.. warna masih on.. cuma touch up dikit2 lg aja buat rapiin.. jd pengen nyoba warna lain .. so happy..

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Warm

01 Dec 2019

chiftul recommends this product!

ini keren bangeeeett. pigmented banget! pake dikit aja udah buat seluruh bibir, terus dipake dr siang jam 11 ampe malem tetep stay on gak ilang sama sekali doooong! padahal udah makan macem orang kesurupan termasuk makan gorengan.. oh iya, formulanya cair dan ringan di bibir jd seharian gak berasa pake lipstik sama sekali.. padahal warnanya meraaah tp merahnya cakep bgt gak norak.. ada hint warna orange nya juga...😂

sejauh ini kekurangannya aplikatornya aja sih sama gampang bgt belepotan ke tangan tiap kali pake..

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

24 Aug 2019

soyImani recommends this product!

Bright red lip cream that shares the same qualities with the other TBB’s SLPs: super lightweight, transferproof, non-drying (compared to other lip liquids).

PROS: -Lebih ga kering dibanding BLP, tapi lebih tahan lama dan cair dibanding RR. Teksturnya lebih ke cair dibanding cream, jadi ringan banget di bibir. -Warnanya bagus merah bikin seger tapi somehow ga lebay gt (as I don’t usually go for reds). -Transferproof kalau dipakai minum, dan keringnya cepet banget. Ga lengket kaya L’oreal Infallible sama sekali, langsung kering.

CONS: -Kalau dipakai makan tetep luntur (tapi fading bukan bolong di tengah jadi ga konyol). -Kalau lagi gaada promo harganya mahal sih untuk size segitu. -Applicatornya susah dipake karena cuma butuh sedikit produk untuk the whole lips. -Kalau dipakai kebanyakan jadi belepotan, karena dia cair bgt.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Brand website



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