Sephora Rouge Cream Lipstick - Beauty Review


Rouge Cream Lipstick


Rp. 235.000



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19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

19 Oct 2019

racelebrate recommends this product!

dapet ini hasil kado ultah dari temen. sukak banget sama warna lipstick sephora ini karena warnanya yg tua banget jadi bikin wajah gue terlihat lebih cerah dan pigmentasinya yg super good. finishnya lebih ke velvet. lumayan transfer dan gak tahan lama. tapi buat yg bibirnya kering, produk ini cocok utk kalian❤️❤️

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

19 Oct 2019

ccclxr recommends this product!

aku suka warnanya, teksturnya OK juga. pilihan shade2 dari produk ini tuh aku rasa cocok untuk ombre lips. aku selalu pake untuk ombre lips sih gapernah full lips, menurutku kalo di-mic sama lipcream lebih enak aja teksturnya di bibir😂

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

03 Aug 2019

Aku dapet ini gratisan dr belanja online di web sephora. Awalnya aku uda pesimis pas liat warnanya di web, gelap bgt men.. yaudalah ya gratisan ini..
tapi setelah dateng aku uda excited banget ama wadahnya item doff gitu. Dan pas aku coba lgsg ke bibir tyt warnanya wearable dooong.. apalagi kalo bagian dalemnya diombre pake lipstik warna pink pale gitu.. uuu cakeps ngets. Cuma kalo dipake sendirian sih aku kurang pede buat sehari2. Kalo ke mall cucok kok..
Jadi pengen beli shade yg lainnya kaaan.. bisa aja lah sephora trik dagangnya 😆😆😆

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

04 Jan 2019

ini sih oleh2 dari temen. kl disuruh beli sendiri agak mikir2 ya dng harga nya 😋 masih banyak merk lain yg oke juga dari segi harga.
warna nya oke u/ dandan ala ala gothic. ga terlalu matte tp jg ga yg berminyak ky abis makan gorengan.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Oily, Medium, Warm

23 Nov 2015

I love this line of lipstick. it's so creamy and perfect for my usual dry lips. I love the colors too. I will definitely buy more colors when I can. I totally recommend this to friends. This stays on for long so no need for me to retouch all the time, It's my staple lipstick.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Warm

18 Sep 2015

The description at Sephora's website says : "A hydrating lipstick that creates full lips with intense color.". While I agree with the intense color, I find that it's that hydrating nor creamy. Strangely, when I tried the tester it was more creamy than the actual product I brought home. Plus point is, the color is intense. And the remaining stain lasts quite a while. You can play with the color intensity : dab it lightly for light wine-berry-ish shade, or apply it in 2-3 layers for full deep reddish plum shade. Minus is it tends to not apply evenly if you use it directly from the bullet (lipbrush should do better) and shows your imperfect lips if you currently have chapped lips. I bought it mainly because I love the color and how I can manipulate the color intensity. Not sure if I will repurchase but it's a perfect color for coming autumn what with all the berries and deep wine mood.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :