Safi Matte It Perfect Lip Cream - Beauty Review


Matte It Perfect Lip Cream

Clair Pink

Rp. 97.000



63 users

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92% users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Jan 2024

errin recommends this product!

Teksturnya creme or velvet, judulnya memang matte tapi gampang hilang, kalo mau pake ini disarankan wajib pakai lip balm karena bikin bibir jadi kering, shade Claire Pink tentu saja berwarna pink muda yang cocok buat base omber, tidak ada bau wengangian cocok untuk bibir sensitif.

Safi Matte It Perfect Lip Cream imgfdn-5b7d580f-4941-46c9-a11c-113c2326d718-2531691 1

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

03 Nov 2020

giselanastiti recommends this product!

First of all, thank you so much for Female Daily and Safi. I honestly didn't expect that I would get this giveaway. I was also shocked that I could get 5 different colour lipcreams. Omg thank you so much guys! I couldn't thank both parties enough. The texture was very creamy. I could glided the lipcream easily into my lips. I still needed a lipbalm to help moisturise my lips so that, the lipcream would last longer. The lipcream itself didn't feel that dead matte to me. I still felt the comfortness when using this lipcream. The colour was this kind of pale pinky thing. If I have to be honest, I didn't really like this colour. It looked way too pale in my lips. I only needed to put one layer only if I wanted my lips to look natural. If I put two layers of the lipcream, my lips would look too pale for my liking. I wasn't that confident to put that pale pinky colour on my lip. If you loved the pale pinky colour, you got to be like this colour. I wasn't really sure whether this one could be a perfect for ombre lips so that, I wasn't in a good place to advise about that thing. Not going to repurchase since this colour wasn't my cup of tea.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

14 Oct 2020

Sophiaanjni recommends this product!

warna pinknya ga mencolok sih karena mendekati warna bibir aku jadinya natural, buat ketahanan belum dicoba lama2 pakenya karena jarang kemana2 juga kan, terus diatuh teksturnya cair jadi ga berat di bibir aku, finishnya matte tapi ga cracking

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Oct 2020

dwivaa doesn't recommend this product!

untuk warnanya sebenernya aku suka, karena warnanya mendekati bibirku. jadi kayak nggak pake lipstik tapi tetep seger aja keliatannya. cuma yang aku kurang suka, menurutku formula yang ini kok agak beda ya sama varian lain. entah kebetulan aku lg dapet yg bad batch, atau emang nggak cocok aja di bibirku. jadi sebelum pake lipstik aku emang selalu pake lipbalm dulu, nah pas aku pake lipstik ini tuh jadi kayak nggak nempel gitu di bibirku, jadi bolong2. kalian pernah nyapu lantai basah nggak? nah kira2 kayak gitu jadinya di bibirku, jadi kayak nggak nempel gitu. padahal di varian lain walaupun aku pake lipbalm tetep nempel2 aja ๐Ÿ™

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



25 - 29

Normal, Medium, Neutral

09 Oct 2020

dmtriyukiko recommends this product!

lanjut ke shade ini,dia nude yg lebih ke pink gtu sesuai namanya. agak sedikit pale di aku tp kalo di skin tone yg light bakal cantik bgtt. untuk formulanya msh sama ttp nyaman di bibir gk bikin kering sama sekali dan nutup bgt bagian bibir ku yg gelap

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

06 Oct 2020

anindrastiwi recommends this product!

warna nya soft pink gitu. wangi nya manis kaya vanilla gt, kaya dear me tapi masih kuat an dear me wangi nya. warna nya cocok cocok aja di kulit sawo matang kaya aku gini. tapi ubtuk dark lips pinggiran bibirku agak susah nutup nya. tapi its okay buat aku. formula nya awal nya enak tapi pas di akhir gitu agak kerasa kering gitu di bibir. terus masih transfer gitu kalau untuk minum, untuk makan ilang di bagian dalam aja. kalau pakai masker, product nya nempel di masker nya

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

04 Oct 2020

Rianyputri recommends this product!

Emang gapernah cocok sama lipen nude pink dari dulu karna aku warmundertone jadi yaa udah tau lah gimana endingnya sama si clair pink ini haha. Teksturnya sedikit beda yang ini agak berasa pakai sesuatu dibibir tapi gak yang berat banget juga. Mungkin bakal cocok buat Base ombre untuk yang cool undertone.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

01 Oct 2020

vennymelanie recommends this product!

Paling cocok untuk ombre sih ini. DARI TEKSTUR DAN FORMULA: Terasa ringan + Nyaman dibibir. Aromanya enak, berasa vanila gitu. Sedikit kering sih menurutku, tapi bisa diakali dengan lip balm. UNTUK FINISH: Matte dengan coverage sheer. dipakai berlayer2 pun nggak berasa tebel dibibir,tapi tetap cantik. DAYA TAHAN: bisa tahan krang lebih 4jam sih. dan dia nggak transferproof jadi nggak nempel di masker.hehehe. KEMASAN: plastik tebal warna biru navi dengan gradasi shade lipstiknya. cantik sih.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Sep 2020

alifiarhm recommends this product!

Baru pertama kali coba lip cream safi, ternyata sebagus itu. Ringan banget kayak gapake apa-apa, full coverage bener-bener nutup warna bibir, gabikin bibir kering, tahan lama, warnanya bukan aku banget dan pas diapply ternyata agak terlihat pucet tapi bagus juga buat base ombre.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Warm

29 Sep 2020

tiarazhrnbl doesn't recommend this product!

Aku ga pengen bilang shade ini jelek tapi unfortunately gamasuk banget warnanya di skin tone aku. Aku baru aja swatch di tangan & lihat warnanya yang pink muda auto mundur :" karna se-gak bisa itu menerima lip colors dengan warna pink muda. And I decided to should give it to others person. But thanks to FD x Safi โค๏ธ

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : FD Try and Review



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