NYX NYX Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipstick - Beauty Review


NYX Lip Lingerie Liquid Lipstick

Truffle Rim

Rp. 150.000



35 users

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Dec 2020

Suri16 recommends this product!

Aku suka sama iniii! Warnanya bagus di bibir dan ga greasy gitu di bibir aku. Ini juga ringan dan gak bikin kering di bibir aku. Overall aku suka sama ini dan harganya pun kalo menurut aku standar sih yaa. Buat repurchase? Yes i love it.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

04 Sep 2019

bagus sih. tapi yaaaa agak kering di aku. jadi kurang suka. tapi overall bagus, warnanya juga oke. aplicatornya agak kaku jadi aku juga gk suka itu. warnanya mirip bgt sama lipcream makeover yg nomer 11 pompous, tipis bgt bedanya. it good but nnaaahh, repurchase? no. karna ada Merek lokal yg lebih murah dan lebih cocok aja



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 Aug 2019

A really cute nude peachy with a hint of coral color. It’s pretty pigmented, but, the formula is not the best for me. It’s really sticky once you applied it. It is really matte and it makes my lips feel like getting pulled. It makes my lips cracked too😖



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jul 2019

nadsyafitri recommends this product!

Already second purchased HAHA, karena sukaakkkk bgtt, warnanya itu bagus banget, matte tapi ga bikin kering, tahan lama juga jadi gaperlu sering2 touch up, paling touch up karena habis makan berat & berminyak, tapi kalo cuma minum atau cemal-cemil aja sih ini masih aman banget, masih stay dibibir. Suka sama applicatornya yg lurus flat gitu. Biarpun ga bikin kering tapi aku tetep pake lipbalm sebelum pake ini. Untuk ngapus lipstick ini aku biasanya pake cleansing oil/cleansing gel karena lebih enak & ga perih karena harus bergesekan sama kapas, bisa pake micellar water tapi ya kadang suka perih karena kena gesekan kapas.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Jun 2019

Aku selalu suka sama shade dan produk ini. Udah 3x repurchase, dan terakhir beli yg Shade 17 (Seduction) but too dark untuk bibir ku. Shade Ruffle Trim ini terbaik sih, pas sama warna bibir, senatural itu. No transfer, longlasting up to 8 jam ++, ga bikin bibir kering, dan ga bikin bibir hitam jg. So recommended.



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

14 Jun 2019

Muka aku itu cocok2an pake warna lipstick, ga tau kenapaa pertama kali belajar make up dan beli lipstick langsung beli ini. Krn wktu itu lg tny2 orang katanya bagus. Dn menurutku warna ini cocok bangett di aku, jadi aku bakalan beli lagi hbs ini. Suka karena rada oren2 gt warnanya ga pink bgt, dan ak smpet cari lipstik lain, ga ada yg warnanya ky ginii.. sedihh siii.. pengen coba warna lain tp ga cocok. Ini enk banget di buat harian ataupun wktu acara. Kl harian ak pakenya tipis ajaa, satu swipe gt trs di ratain. Dan enakknya ga lengket dn ga bikin bibir kering♥️🥰



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

07 Jun 2019

aku sika banget sm tekstur si lingerie series ini. aku punya beberapa shade termasuk si exotic. warnanya agak ke nude hint orange gtu, cocok buat undertone kulit aku. gak terlalu gonjreng jg, dipake buat sehari2 jg masih oke banget.



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

22 May 2019

👄: Super love with this product! Warnanya paling dicari orang dan bagus banget untuk yang warna kulitnya ga terlalu terang dan gelap sepertiku, give the look like simple but beauty. Lumayan stay long di bibir tapi utk aku yg kulit kering, ini agak kurang lembap ya



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

03 May 2019

The lipstick applicator is straight which is helpful to evenly distribute to the side of the mouth. However, i don't really enjoy it since i find it harder to make my side lips clean. Besides, this lingerie lipstick is about Rp. 114.000.

The ruffle trim is one of its best seller shade. It is a nude brownish-pinkish cinnamon with warm beige undertone. The texture is creamy and have really matte finish. The power staying is also good, it will last around 7h and need oil-based remover to clearly wipe off from the lips.
Some little cons from me are the formula is little bit drying, so using a lip balm is a must. Then, this lipstick is tacky and sticky even after it dries on the lips 😟. Moreover, this lipstick is pigmented, one swipes is enough. But, throughout the day when you wanna touch it up, it will clot. Once more, this matte lipstick also accentuate the lips' line which is very unpretty to be seen on my very dry lips.



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Neutral

13 Apr 2019

Warnanya coklat dibibir aku, coklat yg netral tapi cenderung lebih gelap. Jadinya agak aneh kalau dipake ini doang, soalnya aku biasa pake warna coral gitu. Cocok dipake buat tampilan yg bold. Ketahanan lipsticknya 4/5 lah, trus tekstrusnya lumayan kentel gitu, agak bikin kering juga, jadi sebelum make ini kudu make lip balm dulu



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