Maybelline The Powder Mattes by Color Sensational - Beauty Review


The Powder Mattes by Color Sensational

Touch of Nude

Rp. 55.000



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19 - 24

Normal, Medium Dark, Warm

5 days ago

frdghina doesn't recommend this product!

warnanya bagus bagus bangettt, cuma gampang banget patah, entah aku yang ga bisa pakainya atau memang dasar lipstiknya mudah patah. dibibir ringan dipakai cuma makan atau minum pasti membekas dan dibibir mudah hilang jadi harus reapply terus

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Dark, Neutral

12 Feb 2024

Tatagils2 recommends this product!

Ohalaaw, jujurly beli ini karna sempet venomenal banget touch of nude nya maybelline yg color sensational warna nya emang bagus yah di aku jadi pink nude gitu karna kulit aku TAN pake ini jadi kaya barbie, aku suka juga tekstur nya ringan dan finishing nya juga matte

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Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : FD Flash Sale



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

08 Jan 2024

elizmaria recommends this product!

warna ini cocok banget menurut saya untuk yang pemula dalam makeup/ingin mendapatkan look makeup yang my skin but better lips/natural lip colour. karena warna lipstick ini bagus, seperti nude pink tapi terlihat sangat natural, hasil akhir yang soft matte powdery(?).

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Matahari



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

13 Nov 2023

kasdifemale recommends this product!

Gak perlu dijelasin lagi soalnya udh menang award dari Female Daily langsung khusus yg warna ini😆 warna shade nya cenderung nude pink gitu menurut aku, tapi tetap oke banget di semua skin tone. finish nya matte powdery tapi ttp ringan dan gak buat bibir kering!

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Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

02 Oct 2023

Xenanuriana recommends this product!

Gak pernah ngeliat Maybelline ngeluarin produk gagal! Sebelumnya kurang suka pakai lipstik karena suka cracky gitu. Tapi lipstik Maybelline ini minim banget cracky, shade ini natural banget untuk dipake sehari-hari, dan bisa jadi base ombre juga. Kadang aku suka jadiin blush on dan eyeshadow juga karena warnanya benaran gak lebay. Love it!

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Matahari



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

09 Aug 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I've been using this one since I was a college student. I have some different color variants, from coral, Barbie pink, to brownish and nude color. This lipstick is very affordable during my college year and now it's much cheaper in shopee since there's always a flash sale. For the consistency, it is very powdery to my lips. I actually have to reapply after I eat lunch and dinner. However, I have no complaints due to its affordable price. It's just the lipstick on the center of my lips that disappears. I usually reapply this one every 3-4 hours, especially when I eat big meals or drink boba or eat desserts.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Centro



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

11 Jul 2023

bundaaldebaran recommends this product!

maybelline emang ga ada habisnya sih keluarin produk yg bagus2 terus. aku punya ini 2warna . 1 toasted brown , 1 lagi cherry . warnanya super cantik banget . nyaman juga kalau dipake . sayang bgt toasted brown skrg udah susah bangt dicarinya..

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Warm

02 Jun 2023

Dianset recommends this product!

Dunia Per-Gincu-an 💄
berawal dari iseng beli karena diskon, ternyata se suka itu sama ini lipstik. Maybelline Touch Of Nude, warnanya natural banget, cocok sama bibir aku,ngga gampang nge-crack juga dibibir,alus manut,lembut,nglembabin banget. Wajib jadi catatan, Repuches? Yay!

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Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

09 May 2023

jsariwalaka recommends this product!

aduhh untuk touch of nude ini sukaaaaa banget sihh aku.. warna nya itu loh kok cakeeeeppp banget.. malah biasanya aku jadiin eyeshadow dan blush on juga, se cantik itu pokoknya, hanya dengan i item aku udah bisa tampil cute and fresh.. ☺☺ sayang sih udah abis banget, tapi masih suka aku coel2 ampe ke dalam biasanya kalo lagi pengen pake 😅😅

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

28 Apr 2023

larasdiaan recommends this product!

pertama apply tuh rada pucet kalo di aku, mgkn krn bibir aku yg gelap tp coverage nya oke lgsg nutup. setelah 2-3jam dia mulai oksi warnanya jd pink super cantik bgt ky mlbb.lipstik yg bisa sampe abis banget baru touch of nude ini. tp bibir bener2 harus dibuat selembab mgkn biar ga pecah2 gitu.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Tokopedia
