MAC Satin Lipstick - Beauty Review


Satin Lipstick


Rp. 315.000



12 users

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30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Warm

18 Nov 2020

kebvokecil recommends this product!

bagussssssssss~~~ lipstick mihil yang kalau pakai dieman-eman 🙈🙈, awalnya underestimate karena terlihat biasa. Eh, ternyata baguss, sekali ulas warnanya langsung keluar. trus ternyata kalo dilihat dan dipegang packaging simple tapi terlihat wahh. Cocok banget buat bibir kering karena lipsticknya melembabkan juga. Tapiiii, tetap transferable yaa :)

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily



19 - 24

Normal, Medium, Neutral

21 Aug 2020

cintiya_rahmasuci recommends this product!

saat diaplikasikan dibibir lipstik ini membuat bibir menjadi nyaman karena nggak kerasa berat, satin tapi cocok bagi bibir kering dan pecah. warnanya cocok digunakan untuk look natural. pacakingnya kecil dan travel size, cocok bagi yang suka bepergian

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Instagram



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

24 May 2020

Diniharis recommends this product!

Teksturnya ringan. meskipun dibilang satin tapi sekali swab langsung ketutup rata warna bibir. cuma yaa kalo wajahku lagi menggelap aku gamau pake ini krna bakal kliatan pucet banget. cuma untuk daily ini worth it to buy sih mskpun aku dulu dikasih 😆 selain itu dia melembabkan bibir banget. kalo udah lama gabikin bibir kering. love it!

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Aug 2019

satin lipstik yg ringan dan natural, covernya bagus menutup sempurna warnanya dan ngga perlu effort pas aplikasiin lipstik ini krn sekali pulas udah rata warnanya cantik bikin bibir terlihat sehat dan lembab, kyknya bakal beli warna lain utk jenis lipstik mac yg ini hehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Jul 2019

Ini lipstik dpt dari hadiah Mac Lipstick Day kemarin..
Untuk review.. Kalo saat dipakai di bibir teksturnya creamy bgt.. tidak matte..
Sayangnya klo dari ketahanan lipstik, ini bikin nempel bercak di gigi.. tapi sekali di oles ke bibir mmg lgsg mengcover gitu.. tidak perlu di oles berkali2..

Hasilnya bagus.. tapi mmg hrs dipake pelembab bibir dulu, krn di bibir gw hasilnya bikin kering...

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

27 May 2019

Dulu sering lihat banyak yang rekomendasiin warna ini. Tapi di aku warnanya jadi pucat banget dan agak patchy pas dipakai di bibir. Mungkin untuk mereka yg kulitnya fair atau light akan terlihat bagus. Tapi untuk aku yg kulitnya medium & warm, plus punya bibir agak gelap, jadinya kurang kelihatan bagus. Aku saranin MAC Mehr aja ketimbang Brave.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

13 Sep 2017

Mac satin lipstick menurutku teksturnya paling bagus dan nyaman buat dipake pas bibir aku kering, soalnya dia hydrating banget tapi ga terlalu glossy juga pas gitu. Tahan lama, buat makan atau minum ga perlu di touch up juga masih stay warnanya. Lembut juga di bibir.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Jul 2016

i hate to say this, but i really didn't like this one. suka sama packaging + wanginya (fyi, MAC emang juara banget for their lipstick's scent!), but hate the shade. perhaps because it's satin so it comes off easily & warna nya rada nude pink purple-ish, jadi pucett pas dipake, cuma keliatan shimmerynya aja :( mungkin i'll try different shade but for this shade, not gonna repurchase

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Warm

19 Feb 2016

I purchase brave because please me is currently out of stock when I came to store in Penang.It's a nice everyday nude. it have pink hint but a little darker.goes very smooth and can be worn for a long day.You should have it to make your nice, innocent look :p

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Jan 2016

Where have you been all my life? This is definitely my perfect lipstick for daily use. The color is so on point definitely what I look for. It is a soft, muted nude pink that is just beautiful on my NC25 skin. It really helps in terms of "softening" my look, I feel really feminine in this which is rare because I could not find my perfect shade of nude pink before. Even if I did I always have problems with texture. This is a satin lipstick therefore it is moisturizing enough and would not dry my lips. It's such a beautiful lipstick. I'm already thinking to hoard some more of this just in case MAC has funny idea someday to discontinue this.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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