Etude House Better Lips Talk Velvet - Beauty Review

Etude House

Better Lips Talk Velvet

BE105 Dusty Peach

Rp. 127.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

11 Feb 2020

Rienosaurus recommends this product!

Packaging : packagingnya bebentuk seperti standard lipstick case. Yang berbeda adalah tutupnya magnetic jadi lo gak perlubtakut lipstick ini kebuka di pouch ato tas lalu rusak ato mengotori isi tas. Super safe packaging.
Teksture : the lipstick is a bit hard not that hard. It melt when it touch the lips. Lipstick ini ringan di bibir as if you wear nothing
Scent : the scent is typical lipstick rosy scent.
Pigment and color : definitely pigmented. Dia bisa nutup warna bibirku yang gelap ini. I aas expecting more peachy color because of the name but this one is like dusty pink.
Lasting : Ini gak transfer. Tapi kalo dipake makan tetep ilang. Kalo gak makan bisa sampe 7-8 jam on.
Personal Opinion : yang bikin aku paling concern soal lipstick adalah kesesuaiannya dipake di bibir kering karena aku punya bibir kering. Lipstick ini not drying at all. Padahal dia tipe matte. Actually dia gak moisturizing sama sekalo but as long as gak bikin kuli bibir kering it is ok for me.
Final Verdict : it has pretty color, tranferproof, warnanya cenderung ke pink, gak bikin kulit bibir kering, dan formulanya ringan. Overall, it is a good product.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee