E.L.F Studio Matte Lip Color - Beauty Review


Studio Matte Lip Color

Tea rose

Rp. 75.000



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18 and Under

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

02 Jul 2018

kurang suka shadenya:( finishnya nanggung, mau matte tapi ada shiny nya. teksturnya pun agak keras, walaupun easy to glide on dan agak creamy pas dipake. sayangnya,packagingnya kurang:( sticknya kadang suka bergeser dan pas di apply, kadang suka ada lipstick yang jadi nempel di pinggirannya



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

06 May 2018

Sorry rating nya jelek, tapi bener2 gak bagus. Packaging dan warna sebenernya cantik, tapi terlalu pucet dan entah kenapa patchy bgt di bibir aku. Tekstur ceamy tapi lengket. hiks hikssss so sad. Sorry ELF



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Neutral

30 Nov 2015

Sebenernya kalo dari tekstur, elf matte lipstick ini saya suka. Smooth dan pigmented, glides on smoothly juga. Kemasannya juga praktis, kemasan putar yang sudah include rautan di dalemnya. Sayangnya warna tea rose ini kurang pas di skintone saya, memang warnanya masuk di tone nude, tapi terlalu mauve, atau malah ungu.. jadi pucat aneh kalo di wajah saya.



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Nov 2015

I bought seven of these shades during the June sale (including the two new colors) everyone raves about this product so I thought I'd give it a try. I applied Tea rose first and was immediately dissatisfied. The product tugs at my lips when applying, and is very very drying once applied. I decided to use my lip exfoliator first then reapply the lipcolor, that helped with hydration and moisture. I really wish I would have just gotten one color to try, I can't return these, so I'm going to have to work with them. Needless to say I wish I would've purchased other things I know I like instead of thIs product. Will not be repurchasing.



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

22 Sep 2015

lipliner elf ini warnanya cantik banget, sayang di kulit saya jatuhnya terlalu muda dan malahan bikin muka keliatan pucat kaya orang sakit. Kemasannya simpel dan cukup enak dipegang. Liplinernya sendiri gampang banget diaplikasikan dan tesktrunya creamy.



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Sep 2015

Lip liner atau bisa dijadikan lipstick. Warna tea rose ini unik bgt yang aku blm punya dikoleksi lipstik aku. Mauve purple. Memang warna nya agak pucet tapi masih masuk dikulit fair medium, texture nya creamy matte. Ga ada scent nya,easy to apply,affordable price,
Tp gak transferproof, gak tahan lama.
Buat yg warna ini aku suka...