E.L.F Essential Lipstick - Beauty Review


Essential Lipstick


Rp. 13.110



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30 - 34

Normal, Light, Cool

01 Dec 2021

Menicaso doesn't recommend this product!

ini lipstik udh lama saya beli dan pake yg ku pake shade dia kayak pucat pink ada dikit nude ini si enak lipstik cuma kayak wangi crayon lipstik terus bertahan di bibir ..agak berminyak dikit dan gampang patah padahal warna ya bagus bangets kayak pucat nude pink sekarang suruh pake warna kayak gitu no...

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Lazada



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

29 Nov 2015

Too greasy to my likings, dari segi warna sih oke cuman finishnya yang too creamy and shiny bikin gampang meluber ke luar garis bibir dan asli kurang tahan lama. Mungkin bisa diakalin diblot pake tissue trus dikasih powder biar lebih oke.



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Nov 2015

I Can't Wear It! I bought this in a very light colour, hoping it would look subtle, like i'm not wearing anything almost. Just.. so wrong. It makes me look frostbitten. And it's so dry, it's like rubbing a crayon on my lips. I really wished I like this, but I can't say I do. It is worth the one dollar, but that's not saying much.



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

28 Oct 2015

beli karena pas lg ada diskon jadi pengen coba aja, pilih warna ini karena lebih aman yah, netral dipakainya. Untuk teksturnya awal2 bagus tapi gatau kenapa agak kesini pas dioles kurang bagus, mungkin karena bibir lg kering jadi g bagus dipakainya, ada sedikit aroma2an gitu tapi so far bagi gw g masalah, dan lipstik ini bisa jadi matte gara2 gw iseng hehe.. jadi setelah dipulas 1x tempel bibir pake tissu pulas 1x tempel tissu lagi, lebih MLBB dan sedikit awet dibanding dipoles bias, biasanya langsung bubar kemana2 hahaha... dan satu lagi, dia transfer kemana2, jeleknya..hiks..



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

28 Sep 2015

+ Moisturizing, it doesn't give you dry lips
+ Pretty color, but make sure you wear the right outfit
+ Quite long lasting (+ 4 hours), even when I drank or splash some water,
it didn't really fade away

- Left a little stain on your lips
- Coverage is average, I found it a little bit sheer on my upper lip
- Sweet fragrance, I don't mind actually but I'd prefer the natural ones