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05 May 2024
sarahvalentinaaa recommends this product!
Selalu cinta sama produknya dior, semua produknya bagus bagus , selalu pake lips product dari diorr selain wangi dia jugaa kaya seger banget, enak banget ada rasa mint nya gitu kayanya hampir semua lips nya dan tahan lama banget, love dior!
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Brand Website
04 May 2024
qoryaisha recommends this product!
Dior's lip products are synonymous with luxury and quality. Their lip balm is no exception. With its sleek packaging and velvety texture, it offers a truly indulgent experience. Infused with nourishing ingredients, it deeply hydrates and softens lips, leaving them feeling supple and pampered. The subtle hint of fragrance adds to the allure, making it a pleasure to use. While it comes with a higher price tag, the results justify the investment. Perfect for those seeking a touch of luxury in their lip care routine.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Brand Website
30 Apr 2024
embun_kirana recommends this product!
Dapet ini sebagai hadiah ultah dan dari situ gak bisa berhenti buat jatuh cinta, buat yang ngerasa males dandan tapi harus pergi nah banget buat apply ini di bibir kamu dan pasti wajah keliatan lebih fresh. Teksturnya juga enak banget kok, nyaman saat digunakan buat harga lumayan tapi sesuai sama kualitas ya
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Gift
11 Mar 2024
yuliharyati123 recommends this product!
Wanginya bunga tapi tidak terlalu terlihat saat Anda mengaplikasikan lipstik di bibir Anda. Contoh Lipstik Cair Dior Rouge Dior Ultra Care.Liquid lipstik ternyaman dan gak bikin bibir kering ROUGE DIOR ULTRA CARE LIQUID Shade 786 Rosewood
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Sample
06 Feb 2024
vmelischa recommends this product!
yang selalu mengangkat derajat wajahku ketika sedang tidak bermakeup.. warnanya cocok banget dikulitku, karena ada kandunga oilnya bikin bibir jadi keliatan lebih sehat, nggak cepet ilang juga sih, setelah makan dan minum malah jadi keliatan alami dan natural.
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Sephora
28 Jan 2021
alexacgnwn recommends this product!
Dior's iconic red shade (999) is undeniably sexy. It's a neutral-toned red medium red (perfect balance, not too deep/dark but also not to o bright). I think it's a staple shade for anybody. Dior's 999 comes in various forms (regular satin lipstick, matte lipstick, shiny lipstick and even liquid lipstick like this one). I love the packaging, it has a touch of dior and a touch of red. The applicator is petal-shaped, jadi ujungnya bisa buat outline the lips dan bagian yang lebar bisa fill-in the lips perfectly. Teksturnya cair, agak creamy, very very smooth. Pakainya gampang dan meskipun dia agak lama untuk nge-set, tapi hasilnya bagus (powdery matte but not flat). Staying power is OK (it will fade if you eat greasy food but it stays there if you talk and even drink). My lips felt velvety soft all the time, meaning that this is not drying at all. I mean, from packaging, formula, texture, color and performace, this is just right in every aspect.
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
20 Aug 2020
rikakuncoro11 recommends this product!
dari dulu agal kurang pede kalo pke lipstik merah gonjreng karena ngerasa menor, selama ini selalu punya lipstik hanya yg basenya pink, tp pas ke sephora cobain ini waaaahhh kok bagus dan cocok meski merah merona tapi engga berasa menor malah jadi seger banget muka dan terlihat cerah hehe, texturenya ringan berasa engga pake lipstik, tahan lama dan sekali oles dikit aja udah rata sebibir, suka banget sih so far 💋
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Sephora