City Color Be Matte Lipstick - Beauty Review

City Color

Be Matte Lipstick


Rp. 68.375



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

24 Aug 2017

warnanya cenderung lebih ke ungu gitu, lucu sih. tapi kadang suka gak pede hehe. pigmentednya bagus tapi gak wow banget gitu. harus apply dalam beberapa jam. coveragenya juga lumayanlah buat nutupin warna gelap bibir

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

01 Dec 2015

Got this from you, FD! Thank you so much btw. So about this matte lipstick, i love tbe colour it's deep purple which is looks goo on me. But i feel my lips are dried, and it's washed off easily when you eat or drink something. Not going to purchase this lipstick. Nothing special.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

19 Nov 2015

Ada aroma permennya. Warna ungu gelapnya ternyata kelihatan cantik di bibir saya. Hail akhirnya matte tapi tidak terasa kering. Tidak transfer-proof dan warnanya tidak long last. Setelah dipakai makan atau minum terlihat warnanya memudar.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

14 Nov 2015

(+) One of the best purple shades I've seen. Love it <3
(+) Has matte finish that doesn't give any creamy-looking shine
(+) The transfer is not so much which is always nice
(+) Stays for quite some time with no eating and drinking
(+) Fades away evenly
(+) Easy to reapply
(+) Good pigmentation and not patchy
(+) Feels lightweight enough that it's comfortable to wear without having a constant nagging feeling about how it weighs on the lips
(+) Not sticky

(+/-) Packaging looks fine and doesn't really affect much in storing and applying the product but it could be in better quality. The twist doesn't feel smooth and it feels quite cheap too on the hand. Guess it's forgiven since the price is cheap
(+/-) Has an artificial floral scent that reminds me of scented letters. Not an issue for me but might be for other

(-) Drags when applied. Better to have lipbalm underneath
(-) Can't withstand food and drink but it is tolerable since it's easy to reapply

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :