Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet - Beauty Review


Rouge Allure Velvet

La Raffinee 34

Rp. 450.000



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30 - 34

Dry, Light, Neutral

05 Feb 2023

lalapanca15 recommends this product!

My first high end lipstick since 2015 . Packagingnya fancy banget, meski seperti lipbullet pada umumnya tapi menurutku ini sesuai dengan harga, udah koleksi beberapa dan emang bagus banget.. pigmented dan easy to used.. warnanya juga intense , setelah pemakaian emang aga sedikit membuat bibir kering tp bukan yang kering banget.. less transfer juga... luv it so much

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

16 Dec 2020

tashzoebir recommends this product!

Teksturnya lembut saat di apply ke bibir dan ga bikin kering sih. Aku apply nya setelah pake lip balm jadi lebih mudah di apply. Dan warnanya pigmented, one stroke on each lip and it’s enough for me. Karna warnanya jadi lebih natural di aku. Recommend ☺️

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Jun 2019

I have been using the shade 34 La Raffinée for over three years and been repurchasing it twice as well. I love how this lipstick is very nicely pigmented so that I am able to see the color of this shade on my lips vividly at the same moment I am applying it. It is also beautifully opaque, which excites me since I only need to apply it two times evenly on my lips. It does look even more flattering on my lips than it was when I swatched it on my wrist. The Rouge Allure Velvet is long-wearing and not easily transferred. I have used it while having lunches and dinners but it does still look decently great on my lips. I do touch-ups once or twice in ten to eleven hours a day, when I want the shade to look as beautiful as it was in the morning. Having repurchased it twice in over three years of using it, does show how much I love The Rouge Allure Velvet in shade 34 La Raffinée. I will repurchase it if I would like to💗

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

27 May 2019

tya_fadhli recommends this product!

ini lipstick yang sehari-hari dipake! beneran dipake sampe udah mau abis, gak kering di bibir sama sekali. kalau dipake makan hilang sih, tapi itu gak masalah buat aku. suka bgt sama warnanya beneran cantikk dan tiap pake ini selalu sering bgt ditanya sama orang pake lipstick apa✨ padahal udah mau nyetok saking sukanya, tapi sayang bgt warna ini udah discontinued🥲

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

04 Jan 2019

Aaaa keren selalu mah si lipstick chanel ini.. uda cobain banyak warna dan selalu suka !! Love2 ga bikin kering! Bakal selalu setia sm brand ini dehh!! Pricey tp sangat worth it hahahahahahahahahaha ♥️

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

10 Sep 2018

Sebenarnya agak kurang suka lipstick kyk gni, punya chanel ini aja dibeliin sm pacar aku, untuk warna aku cinta bgt sih beneran, tp sayangnya gk longlasting di bibir aku, but ini gk bikin bibir kering dan moist bgt sih, so far oke tp b aja buat aku. Repurchase? No dlu deh (shade aku pake no.62 Libre)

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Apr 2018

Warnanya cantik! My lips but better gitu. Gak bikin kering. Kalau lg males pakai liquid lipstick yang matte, biasanya aku pakai yang ini. Untuk ketahanannya juga bisa dibilang bagus. Tapi sayang harganya mahal jd pikir2 panjang buat repurchase atau engga ?

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

07 Sep 2017

ini salah satu lipstik yang buat aku suka banget dan selalu aku pakai sehari-hari. awet banget di pakai seharian dan semakin lama warnanya semakin soft banget dan semakin lama keliahatan natural banget di bibir ku.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



45 and Above

Oily, Medium Dark, Neutral

08 Aug 2017

zolarehana recommends this product!

although the color isn't really my type but i do love this product so i bought the other color which is rough allure luminous. i do love the packaging but the best thing about chanel lipstick products is they have the best texture of all. tidak akan membuat bibir kering sama sekali dan lipstricknya tahan lama, so it's worthed

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sephora



18 and Under

Combination, Medium, Neutral

05 Nov 2016

one of my favorite lipsticks!i like the packaging, the signature packaging of Chanel cosmetic.perfect shades and the velvet-ish finish tho. pertama kali gue discover dan beli lipstick ini waktu gue masih SMA kalo gasalah, waktu itu di singapore karena lg ada kondangan sodara, nah coba2 deh mau cari lipstick yang warna nya agak nude dan gue nemu the perfect shade for myself yaituu no. 34 LA raffinee dan i totally in love with this shade, dan sampe skrg pun gabisa move on dari shade yg satu ini hoho.dan rouge allure velvet by chanel ini adalah salah satu lipstick yg menurut gue bagus diantara lipstick chanel yang lain nya :) x

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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