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23 Nov 2015
awal beli lip mist camelia ini krn saya liat warnanya cantik, sheer coverage tapi packagingnya yang selalu saya suka dari burberry keliatan luxury nya. beda dengan product lain. bibir saya ga prnah kering pake lip mist ini, lipstick ini gampang dipake, langsung terlihat warnanya walau hanya sekali swipe, oyah, warnanya hampir sama dengan rose pink di bibir saya.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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28 Sep 2015
Fall in love banget sama shade ini, warnanya natural banget, meski sheer tapi kesannya seperti having a natural pink lip colour , packagingnya juga menurutku memberikan kesan yang elit, cuman harganya mahal sih :(
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
28 Sep 2015
Perhaps my favorite formula from Burberry Lipstick. This and the Kisses lipstick are very comfortable and moisturizing. I love bright bold colors with sheer formula because I can play with colors without being too in your face. Plus you can get different look depends on how much you build up the color. Camelia Pink is a bright medium pink. It is borderline strawberry red when used on it maximum opacity. And I almost half way through the bullet. It is easy to apply, and the finish is jelly like. Giving the illusion of plumper healthier lips, and brightened the complexion. Granted with this kind of formula, the lastiing power is a meh. But I don't mind reapplying for this baby. Plus the packaging is magnitized, it is always a plus.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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