BLP Beauty Lip Coat - Beauty Review

BLP Beauty

Lip Coat

Berry Fudge

Rp. 149.000



2 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

16 Aug 2024

rxzka recommends this product!

Aku suka banget sama desainnya Butter Fudge series. Pas nyobain di salah satu toko offline langsung jatuh cinta sama warna ini. Langsunglah checkout di online. Pas dateng, wanginya khas BLP, build qualitynya kelihatan mewah, simpel, doff gitu. Formulanya jg enak di bibir. Ternyata pas dipake ke 1 bibir, bener2 bikin muka jadi galak. Karena dia dark red yg bener2 dark gitu, semi-cokelat dikit. Pas aku coba ombre lumayanlah, tp mesti pinter2. Agak kecewa karena kurang cocok di skintoneku yg warm ini jatuhnya, I like me better with red lips yg shadenya 1 tingkat di atas ini. Tp coba gw explore lagi cara pakainya ya.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Jun 2024

Eidiputri doesn't recommend this product!

A cool berry tone, not something I usually reach tapi karena penasaran, sikat aja beli pas flash sale di booth BLP Beauty JxB 2024 kemarin. Texture nya sama kayak series lip coat yg sebelumnya: matte, light, gak bikin kering/ngelupas, highly pigmented. I imagine kalau Black Cherry nya C******* dibikin matte, maybe it would be exacly like this. Masih masuk di olive undertone ku, but honestly not my color hehe

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily