Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid Lipstick - Beauty Review

Anastasia Beverly Hills

Liquid Lipstick

American Doll

Rp. 270.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

24 Nov 2019

Skairina recommends this product!

Ini cocok untuk yang pede pake warna merah sih. Formula oke, ketahanan oke. Aku ga pede aja pakenya haha. Bibirku ga gampang pecah, mattenya kena bgt di aku. Gak bikin dry, tp ttp matte. Just the perfect amount of matteness(?)

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

11 Sep 2018

Fyi aku punya yg Shade CURRANT warnanya ada hint warna pink ke coklatan dan agak ke merahan. warna nya cantik banget sih tapiiii kering banget dibibir ku lama kelamaan jadi crubble gitu setelah di pake lama apa lagi di pake makan!!
crubble nya parah! padahal selalu setiap hati dan seblm pake lipstick / liquid lipstick pake lucas paw paw dulu..

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

26 Mar 2018

Shade ini bener2 bagus bangetttt dan dia lumayan transferproof asal ga makan berminyak.
Cuma utk formula dia termasuk kering banget, which sometimes is a good thing. Cuma utk dipake sering2 agak males juga krn bikin bibir ngelupas

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

27 Jul 2016

Anastasia beverly hills selalu kasih surprise ke product product dia dan i can tell you i'm pretty surprised dari lippie ini karena warnanya ga segelap itu but still bagus banget bangetaaann ga nyesel beli ini!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

06 Feb 2016

The only cons is the formula.
I applied this light handedly, blot, and reapply again so it would stick longer, tapi gak ngaruh.
Percaya deh, formulanya gak banget karena ninggalin a very noticeable outer ring and it bleeds everywhere, pretty much a disaster if you ate a noodle - atau makanan berkuah lainnya. Sangat tidak sejalan sama prinsip waterproof & transferproofnya.
This is the red color that i have been looking for, regardless how the formula is, i really will find a way to work this out, and i think the best way i tried is with wearing lip liner underneath, it will minimize the bleeding

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Jan 2016

- Tahan lama (ultra matte formula)
- warnanya yang deep membuat tone kulit wajah jadi ikut terlihat naik
- Tidak ada wangi chemical yang mengerikan

- Mahal

Untuk lip product satu ini, ABH really kills it. Ini salah satu lip product yang aku beli untuk nanti hari pernikahan aku. Cocok untuk acara-acara malam maupun acara formal dan yang paling penting tidak membuat bibir terkelupas karena formulanya yang tidak mengeringkan.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



18 and Under

Normal, Light, Neutral

11 Dec 2015

yep, iya harganya mahal. Overall this product is really good, tapi aku lebih suka warna liquid lipstick nya ABH yang Serafine (dia blue based), tapi kalau lagi pengen pake yang warmer tone colored sih aku definitely pake ini (y)

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Sep 2015

ABH American Doll has caught my eyes and heart at the first time i saw them in someone blog. I was like; i have to get that red.
And it's right, American Doll is a must have red if you are a red lip junkie. I'd say this is a neutral red, depends on our lip's pigmentation. On me, American Doll more leaning to slightly yellow toned red. On some of my friend, it turns out more blue based red. But yeah it can do no wrong, it's a bold red lip with a good formula.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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