Purbasari Lipstick Daily Series - Beauty Review


Lipstick Daily Series


Rp. 30.000



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Neutral

18 May 2019

Beli pertama karena harganya yang murceeee abis trus warnanya itu nge set banget sama bibir akuuu. Diantara punyaku yang lain ini sih yang sering aku. Kekurangannya dia gak tahan lama jadi setiap 4 jam sekali aku retouch

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

24 Apr 2018

beli ini karna pengen pake lipstik yg hasil akhirnya ga matte banget. jadilah beli ini. murah, lebih murah dari purbasari matte lipstiknya itu. aku pilih warna oren nomornya X01. di bibirku pake tipis atau tebal jadinya merah terang.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

31 Oct 2016

I strongly agree that Purbasari lipstick is worth the hype! Surely this is the best cheap lipstick I've ever tried. Not to mention, it's a local product. I'm proud Indonesian!I bought Purbasari bullet lipstick few months ago when everybody raved about this. I was kind of curious with as to where the hype was. I've almost never heard anybody say anything negative about it. So, I decided to join the crowd and tried it myself. Given the low price tag, I directly went down the alley of the beauty store without further ado, intended to look for it. The BA offered me the lipstick daily series, since the matte lipstick were all sold out. Oh my. No wonder I only saw an empty rack in rows. Deep down inside of my heart, I was happy with this phenomenon, where there were many Indonesian ladies competed with each other to grab locally-made beauty products. Let's support local product!For a cheap lipstick, it consists of good ingredients, such as shea butter, jojoba oil, UV filter and vitamin E which claims to moisturize lips and nourish lips.I chose the shade W15, since my mom in law once told me that red brownish really suit on my face. And I was delighted to find such this beautiful color. It's really easy to pull off with my complexion. This shade is actually ideal for everyday use but since I'm generally not a bold matte finish kinda girl, I only wear it for certain occasion. Its creamy texture makes it glides smoothly on my lips, and surprisingly it takes only one coat to deliver great color. I find it to be really pigmented. It lasts a fair while and fades only a bit after eating and drinking. Too bad, it's quite drying and little bit tacky.One more thing that fails me is the scent. I can't describe it literally. But I do sure it smells like the meanest lady in ordinary Indonesian sinetron. Haha. I dislike it.Regardless of all the goodness, I think I won't repurchase it, since I'm hesitant about the whole ingredients filled. I know there's no harmful compound, but I prefer a lipstick with the finest ingredients because I'm pretty sure top notch elements can deliver versatile and long wearing lipstick while remaining gentle and soothing on lips.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

02 Jul 2016

Beli karena muraaaah banget, under 20k malah. Ternyata mudah patah dan bikin bibirku kering, mudah cracking juga. Ditambah setelah beberapa jam pemakaian di bagian dalam bibirku jadi kaya ada putih-putih gitu. Lumayan awet kalau kataku :)

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

21 Oct 2015

murah meriah tapi ga murahan, daily series lipstik akan menenmanimu sepanjang hari dan menjaga kesehatan bibirmu karena mengandung jojoba oil untuk kelembaban bibirmu, vitamin E dan UV filter..wajib punya dan dipakai setiap hari

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Neutral

13 Oct 2015

Lipstik andalan nih sebelum demam lipstik matte melanda. Formulanya ringan, gak oily walaupun bukan matte, pilihan warnanya banyak dan pigmented. Harganya muraah dan packagingnya cantik (the local brand's prettiest packaging so far). Sesuai bgt sama namanya 'daily series', fits my daily need. Btw, aku pake yg W15.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

21 Sep 2015

Pertama, packagingnya lucuuuuu. Nggak kalah sama produk korea. Kedua, color payoff nya baguuuss bangeett. Pigmented dalam sekali usap. Mungkin gaungnya kurang kedengeran dibandingkan sama matte lipstiknya tapi packagenya sendiri ini lebih sturdy daripada yg matte. Yg matte ringkih banget.
Daily series ini banyak pilihan warna daripada seri matte dan lebih gampang ditemui di pasaran.
Aku sering pakai campuran ini buat lipstik matte kalau terlalu kering di bibir. Hasilnya creamy, satin finish. Setara sama nyx round lipstick yg lebih mahal

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

17 Sep 2015

Lipstik ini bisa diacungi jempol lah buat lipstik lokal dengan harga yang terjangkau, warna Z10 ini cakep dan bakal keliatan bagus deh dipake sama yang kulitnya fair gitu atau yang bibirnya cenderung gelap atau kemerahan. Warna pink-nya cenderung tua tapi nggak dangdut, aku pakai tipis-tipis biar nggak terlalu bold hasilnya hehe

Seandainya lipstik ini bisa stay lebih lama pasti bakalan lebih bagus lagi ;) #agirlcandream #dreambig

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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