Evete Naturals Lip Mask X Bening Bersinar - Beauty Review

Evete Naturals

Lip Mask X Bening Bersinar

Chocolate Mint

Rp. 58.000



20 users

Reviewed this

95% users

Recommended this


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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

05 Feb 2024

fazirotulfirdaus recommends this product!

Lip mask yang juga sering aku pakai sebagai lip balm kerena daya lembapnya sebagus itu! Pas diapply ke bibir ada rasa cooling yang ngasih sensasi beda. Aromanha choco mint yang segar banget dan nagih. Kalo bibirku lagi kering banget, pakai produk ini selalu bisa bikin bibirku lembut dan lembap lagi. Luv it so much, too much.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

05 Jan 2024

safaariani recommends this product!

Judulnya lip mask tapi produk ini aku pake sebagai lip balm sehari-hari. Nolong bgt sih buat bibir aku yg super kering. Wanginya coklat enak bgt. Tapi entah kenapa aku ngerasa ada sedikit tekstur berpasir gitu pas dipake, sebenernya aku ngga masalah sih yg penting bisa bikin bibir aku lembab

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jan 2023

anggranf recommends this product!

Aaaa aku suka banget sama produc lips mask nya selain wangi nya enak ternyata hasilnya juga bangus warna bibir ku gajadi hitam lagi menjadi aga lebih terang, cocok nih buat kalian yang punya masalah bibir gelap ini bagus walaupun ga cepet ya hasilnya bertahap

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Neutral

15 Jul 2022

alphabetababy doesn't recommend this product!

lip mask ini nggak terlalu melembabkan; hari ini dipake besok juga bibir udah balik kering lagi. beli ini dengan harapan bakal bagus, karena banyak yg review brand ini bagus lip balmnya. ngga bakalan repurchase

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

03 Dec 2021

mariavc recommends this product!

Teksturnya ga terlalu balmy jd pas dioles ke bibir itu langsung meleleh dan meresap, bukan yg stay aja di atas bibir. Sangat membantu buat atasin bibir kering! Kl bibir aku lg kering pecah2 bgt, malemnya aku pake dia dan besoknya langsung mendingan

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Dark, Neutral

18 May 2021

gabriellawina recommends this product!

FELL IN LOVE UPON THE FIRST APPLICATION! enak bgt ini lip mask sumpah. dia teksturnya agak keras krn emg diformulasiin buat iklim tropis jadi ga gampang meleleh. pakenya tinggal di scoop pake spatula yg udh disediain sm masknya trs tinggal diratain ke bibir pake jari. menurutku ga ribet sama sekali krn lip masknya pun mudah meleleh begitu diratain di bibir. trs ada minty feelingnya gitu which i find delightful. applynya agak thick pas malem sblm tidur and then when i wake up, my lips feel so moisturized and healthy! dannnn dia ada fungsi exfoliatingnya. jadi gausah pake lip scrub yg digosok2 dan bisa memicu sensitivity, ini cuma didiemin aja semaleman, paginya kulit mati udh pada siap lepas! tinggal digosok2 pelan pake jari pas cuci muka aja udh luruh kulit matinya! this product is absolutely brilliant! suka bgt ada produk lokal sebagus ini 💙

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Apr 2021

kirannea recommends this product!

lip sleeping mask ini versi lebih kental dari lipbalmnya evete. dan ada feels sedikit kasar gitu aku gangerti apa, cuma diliat dari ingridientsnya karena dia full of oils& wax bisa jadi itu gumpalannya ya. cuma emang melembapkan bibir tuh oke bgt! ga pernah2 lagi bibir pecah2/ kering di bagian pinggirnya. terus ada sensasi mint nya gitu tapi ga perih.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

02 Apr 2021

andifathinah recommends this product!

so much more hydrating than the lip balms, well ofc since this is a lip mask. you don’t have to keep re-applying them like the lip balm and it leaves you with very berry smooth lips in the morning if you wear this the night before. truly a staple, i’m not even close to finishing the jar!!!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

12 Nov 2020

opipiii recommends this product!

Lip mask ini udah masuk wishlist dari lama, secara aku fans lip balm-nya Evete gitu 😍 Packaging-nya selalu khas Evete, desainnya selalu pake gambar variannya, di sini mereka gambar daun mint. Lip mask-nya sendiri emang sesuai ekspektasi banget: seger mint-nya berasa, wangi coklatnya enak, dipake sedikit aja udah ngelembabin banget berkat shea butter, cocoa butter, dan lanolin. Juara banget lah lip mask ini, makasih banyak buat Evete dan Jeng Bening Bersinar yang udah nyiptain barang ajaib ini 💕

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

02 Aug 2020

giselanastiti recommends this product!

I literally bought this because I believed in Jeng Bening from beningbersinar.com lol. This lip mask was very good. All this time I only used a lip mask from Laneige. This product surely was a great one. This lip mask was so much better in every way if I could compare it with Laneige. This one surely was more moisturizing. Honestly, I didn't like the texture at first. It was very waxy and it was kinda hard to be applied on my lips. Surprisingly, the lip mask itself could melt into my lips once I applied it. The texture was very gritty too. Moreover, this one worked as a lip scrub too. It's such a multifunction product. The smell was a combination of peppermint and chocolate.I thought the chocolate was the dominant one, but the peppermint was the stronger one. I didn't mind about that honestly. I always put this lip mask before I slept since my lips were very dry. When I woke up, I always had this moisturized feeling. I truly enjoyed this product. I hope that Evete Naturals and Bening Bersinar never stop the production of this lip mask because this product is such an OG for my dry lips.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



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