Yves Saint Laurent Baby Doll Kiss & Blush - Beauty Review

Yves Saint Laurent

Baby Doll Kiss & Blush


Rp. 450.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

06 Oct 2016

Punya 3 shades yaitu no 03, 05 sama 07... Semua shades kayanya oke dan keren. Super lovely saat di aplly ke pipi, menggunakan tangan langsung ataupun beauty blender. Sayangnya pinggiran packaging mudah kegores saat dimasukkan ke tas, jadinya agak mesti hati-hati. Anyway enggak disarankan buat bibir karena teksturnya yang matte dan tipis jadi engga terlalu cover bibir, tapi kalo buat pipi ini cakep banget! SE gonjrengnya warna 5 yaitu mirip mirip warna merah banget, tetep natural saat di blend di pipi... Downsidenya cuma harganya yang mahal, beli di konter ysl sekitar 575 T_T produk ini awet dan tahan lama seharian, yah worth to buy lah >.<



30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

01 Aug 2016

cantikk warnanya, cukup 2x swipe udah bikin bibir jadi merah tp ga yang gonjreng banget. pas di bibir, tapi tetep setelah pakai kiss and blush bibir gw jadi super kering. fyi, kalo udah beberapa bulan jadi agak berubah teksturnya. gw ada 4, dan kesemua nya jadi berubah teksturnya. adakah yang ngalamin hal yang sama?



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

24 May 2016

i have this in 2 colors, no #11 and #12. #11 Prune Impertinente is a very beautiful deep wine color with a hint of chocolate, my all time favorite. while #12 mocha garconne is a nude color, a bit too pale for asian skin. but hey, u can always mix!the pigmentation was great and it turns into a velvety powdery texture once applied. however, if you have dry lips, it begins to flake after a couple of hour. lip balm to the rescue then.



19 - 24

Normal, Light, Neutral

03 Jan 2016

I use YSL kiss and blush shades #4 and really in love with the product. It has superb coverage, pretty color, and long stay on your lips. You can also use it as blush on, and blend easily on your skin, even if you only blend it with your own finger. One of the best lipstick i have ever use!



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

22 Dec 2015

Baby doll kiss and blush ini super enak banget menurut aku, warna yang dihasilkan bagus dan cocok banget sama aku, buat wajah cerah, hasilnya cukup pigmented, aplikatornya enak banget buat lebih mudah mengaplikasikannya, bagus banget menurut aku



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

17 Dec 2015

warna merahnya cukup bingungin sih, theres a lil (tiny bit) hint of orange but overall its red red. sebenernya aku sendiri gak cocok untuk pake warna orange2 gitu but surprisingly it works just fine on me. applicatornya super enak. walaupun warna merah tp tetep bisa banget dipake sehari-hari, u can wear it as a lip tint/stain when dabbed on dan full coverage like ur fav lipstick cause its so beautifully buildable



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