Mad For Makeup Mean Girls Plush Power Tint - Beauty Review

Mad For Makeup

Mean Girls Plush Power Tint

Kinda Psychic

Rp. 139.000



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19 - 24

Normal, Medium Dark, Neutral

06 Dec 2023

sabrina0 recommends this product!

Ini sawo matang approved!! bikin wajah jadi cantik bgt kalo pake ini HAHAHHA warnanya pink mauve?? pokoknya cantik bgt di kulit apalagi sawo mateng langsung stunning kata gue mah! aplikatornya aku suka, teksturnya juga suka dan cover garis gelap aku. teksturnya ringan, gabikin bibir kering tapi aku tetep pakein lipbalm/lipmask dulu sebelum apply ini! buat transfernya minim bgt (karna aku apply lipmask dulu) kalo langsung di apply gitu kayanya ga transfer deh? ntar aku cobaa

Mad For Makeup Mean Girls Plush Power Tint imgfdn-97483932-58ff-4f45-a0e2-d649388a307f-2509708 1

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

18 Oct 2023

raissaura recommends this product!

Dari pertama kali dispill varian warnanya udh langsung ngincer si kinda psychic ini?? Sesuai sama ekspektasiku, warnanya cakep puoll?? dominan pink dan somehow dikulitku ada hint warna reddish ungunya gitu(?) suka banget sih. Packaging no need to complain, sleek dan simple. Formulanya tipikal lip velvet pada umumnya, gak berasa berat di bibir dan warnanya pigmented dalam sekali swipe. Poin plus lainnya yaitu gak bikin bibir kering atau pecah2 juga

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

17 Oct 2023

alleviatte recommends this product!

mad for make up collaboration with mean girls is THE BEST THING that ever happened this year!! secantik itu packagingnya! I always love lip velvet dan this lip velvet is really good! it stays FOR A LONG TIME dan nutupin garis bibir but not even drying!! and the color is pretty much *chef’s kiss* it really screams karen!! ??

Mad For Makeup Mean Girls Plush Power Tint imgfdn-864e594c-e587-4ef7-879a-e66353ee7ee3-2487344 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee