Glossier Generation g - Beauty Review


Generation g


Rp. 18



6 users

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66% users

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19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Mar 2021

jessbund doesn't recommend this product!

Jujur gasuka banget.. Warnanya super sheer bahkan hampir ga keliatan padahal aku bibirnya ga gelap, uda berlayer2 baru nyata eh dipake bentar udah hilang lagi warnanya, terus baunya aneh gitu, dan harganya mahal. Produk lokal banyak yg lebih bagus sih..

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Jun 2020

prmtsrayu doesn't recommend this product!

Not recommended. Gampang banget patah lipsticknya, kalau habis jatuh, tutupnya langsung retak, dan dalemnya patah. Tulisan Glossiernya kalau kena kuku dikit lgsng lecet. Very fragile. Untuk formula, not astonishing whatsoever, karena kalau make lipstick ini, abis minum dan makan langsung hilang, harus reapply lagi dan lagi. At the end of the day, however, you don’t need extra effort to wipe this thing off (because it’s almost gone already by the time you wipe it:’’) Therefore untuk harga yang mahal, it’s not worth the price at all. Mendingan beli tinted lip balm untuk MLBB look.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Instagram



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Neutral

26 Apr 2020

aulfrnsca recommends this product!

Aku pake versi packaging yang baru, which is a LOT better dari packaging awalnya yg terkesan “cheap”. Formulanya enak banget ga kaya lipstik pada umumnya, agak seret gimana gitu saat dipake tapi gak bikin bibir kering. Warna cake ini leans toward nude peach dan ada hint of brown sedikit. Enak banget kaya gak pake lipstik meskipun di layer beberapa kali. Untuk yang gasuka warna lipstik yang medok, boleh coba ini karena hasilnya kaya habis nge “blot” lipstik pake tissue.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Sep 2019

Kalau dipakai sendiri, warna ini kurang cocok dibibir aku. Selain itu warna nya juga kurang nyala, mungkin juga karena memang tujuannya adalah biar no-make up make up look. Jadi biasanya aku pakai ini untuk nge-tone down warna lipstick yang terlalu merah biar sesuai sama warna yang aku mau.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



18 and Under

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

29 Jul 2019

warnanya super sheer jadi cocok untuk no make up make up look. sayangnya punya aku anehnya dia ada bau kayak face oil sesuatu gitu aku gatau oil apa, mungkin dari salah satu ingridientsnya ya. seperti biasa hidung super sensitifku ini udah nolak duluan, padahal nyaman di pake. jadi untuk saat ini aku pake dia sebagai blush dan eyeshadow aja hehe. yes repurchase untuk yang relaunch itu, kali ini mau nyoba warna zip

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Oct 2018

I loooooove this product! It's my perfect natural lipstick for me. My lips are kinda darker so this shade complements my lips beautifully. Whenever I'm using it, people thought that I'm not using any lipstick. If you are a high school student or someone that does love a natural makeup this is your go-to lipstick. It just adds a tint to enhance your lip color. However, why am I giving it 4 stars? Well first, this product didn't last very long on my lips, but on my friend's they did last longer so I guess it depends. Second, you need to be gentle using this product because I'm on my third stock and the other two is broke. Maybe it is because I'm not being careful and applying it too fast back and forth so they ended up broke. I recommend you to apply it carefully otherwise you'll be ended up like me lol!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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