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10 Nov 2019
Keziah doesn't recommend this product!
Noooooooooob i dont like this lips tatoo. Basic nya bibir ane kering jadi sebelum apply pakein lip balm dulu ue kan biar kg kering. Tp hasilnya setelah dikelupas. Pen nangis dah w, hasilnya belang gk merata. Mending efeknya ombre, tapi malah keliatan kek bibir kering, pecah2, trs di kelupasin kulit bibirnya, jd ky berdarah gitu, nyesel bat dah
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Shopee
28 Oct 2015
Gw baru sekali pake lip tint sticker ini dan ga lagi2 deh habis itu. Bibir gw jadi perih gitu. Sebelum pake bibir harus dalam keadaan kering, ga bisa dipakein lipbalm dulu karena ga bakal nempel lip tintnya. Terus ditunggu sekitar 10 menitan sampe kering, step ini yang bikin bibir gw pegel karena harus agak mangap dikit biar ga nempel. Begitu kering tinggal dikelupas tuh, step ini bokk yang bikin gw menderita. Rasanya bibir gw kayak ada kulit mati yang dikelupas paksa. Udah menderita gitu warna lip tintnya ga keluar sama sekali di bibir gw yang pigmented. Pokoknya ga lagi2 deh gw pake lip tint sticker gini. Mendingan yang dipoles-poles, biarpun ga awet2 banget tapi bibir gw ga kenapa2
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
22 Oct 2015
berrisom ini waktu itu booming banget, aku beli yang warna orange ini karena iseng. memuaskan banget sih lip tint packnya, tahanlama di bibir warnanya. tapi warna yang ini gak cocok di aku jadi sayang banget. will try another color next time.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
13 Oct 2015
Color wise, it's really bright (suits its name, vivid) reddish orange. Very pretty, actually the first orange that really works on me. Amazing. I like the color quite much.
For a lip tint, first 3 days of wearing, this doesn't damage my sensitive lips. It doesn't make it any more dry, in fact, my lips didn't chap wearing it, what a surprise (I applied clear lip balm right after but didn't retouch my lip balm all day).
Longevity: is pretty amazing. This last all day through drinks and meals (I didn't even expect it to last that long, really. By the end of the day, I can still see the colors very vivid on my lips although not as full as in the morning. Still very impressive. Good one to try out.
However, application is troublesome for me. It requires a relatively long time to dry after application before you can peel the jelly off the lips. I tried removing it without waiting for it to dry and it's very messy, so best way is still to remove after it dries off completely. Time is precious in the morning so I prefer other forms of lip tints.
Depends upon application, result can be patchy. It has this tingling sensation upon wearing which scared me a bit at first (still does) in worries it will damage the lips. Another minus point: it tasted bitter and chemical. I will use while it lasted but will not be repurchasing.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :