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28 Jul 2017
Suka bgt sm lip tattoo ini. Warnanya pigmented dan natural sehari". Tahan banget seharian walau udh makan minum karena aku emg orgny gasuka retouch lipstik jd sengaja beli ini krn kalo lipstik pudar keliatan kaya pucat jd ini membantu bgt dan super lembab di bibir pokoknya bikin bibir teksturnya jd enak banget ga kering.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
23 Jun 2016
well sebenernya suka sih sama warnanya, tapi sayangnya setelah dilepas lapisannya bikin bibirku kering (entah emang bibirku yg kering atau gmn) jd mesti kasih lipbalm lagi pdahal sebelumya udh kukasih lipbalmtapi lumayan oke kalo buat dijadiin dasaran warna bibit terus ditumpuk lipstik/lipcream
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
29 Dec 2015
Beli liptattoo ini karena penasaran. Bentuknya unik banget dan bikin pengen nyoba. Setelah dicoba lumayan lah. Not a bad product but not a great product either.
1. Ngeapply nya rada ribet, ketipisan warnanya ngga terlalu kelihatan, ngeapply ketebelan malah jadi beleber.
2. pas udah di kelupas warnyanya ga rata. Kadang kayak gradasi gitu kayak lipstick yg biasa di pake artis korea, tp kadang kalo lg ga bener jadi kayak bercak2 ga beres gitu.
3. Jangan pernah kejilat karena rasanya ga enak banget.
4. Jangan terlalu sering di pake dan sering2 scrub bibir. Karena somehow bikin bibir kering dan lama2 berubah warna jd kehitaman gitu.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
11 Dec 2015
ini salah satu varian berrisom liptatto yang aq suka. warnanya keluardan keliatan dibibir aq yang sedikit gelap ini.
untuk harga memang berrisom ini lumayan mahal ya, cuma termasuk one off lip tatto yang cukup bagus kualitasnya.
overall = mungkin kalo keluar warna lain yang baru bakal coba beli lagi. suka yang warna - warna bold.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
13 Oct 2015
Bubble Pink is described as cherry pink. It really is a pretty blue-tone reddish pink. I love the color very much that I wish it can come in other forms rather than this one.
The praises: for a lip tint, this doesn't damage my sensitive lips. It doesn't make it any more dry, in fact, my lips didn't chap wearing it, what a surprise (I applied clear lip balm right after but didn't retouch my lip balm all day).
Longevity: is pretty amazing. This last all day through drinks and meals (I didn't even expect it to last that long, really). By the end of the day, I can still see the colors on my lips. Good one to try out.
However, application is troublesome for me. It requires a relatively long time to dry after application before you can peel the jelly off the lips. I tried removing it without waiting for it to dry and it's very messy, so best way is still to remove after it dries off completely. Time is precious in the morning so I prefer other forms of lip tints.
Depends upon application, result can be patchy. It has this tingling sensation upon wearing which scared me a bit at first (still does) in worries it will damage the lips. Another minus point: it tasted bitter and chemical. I will use while it lasted but will not be repurchasing.
I wish they would make it in other forms, I would definitely be purchasing that.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :