Mizzu Valipcious Liner - Beauty Review


Valipcious Liner

Beach Babe

Rp. 55.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Nov 2019

ferena_geta recommends this product!

untuk warnanya, aku sukakk bgt hint coklat nude pink gitu dan ada dikiitt bgt shimmer yg ga bakal keliatan pas dipake. tp sayangnya kalo ku pake, teksturnya kurang nyaman di bibirku. walau udh ke blend sama lipcream yg warna senada, pasti dibagian line bibirku cenderung kering, lumayan lengket tp lumayan bikin bibirku terlihat bervolume walau ga lebay. mungkin ini cocok buat kalian yg bibirnya lembab atau ga cenderung kering kaya aku

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

09 Jun 2019

aku punya yg shade vintage rose. kesalahan sih beli ini, pas liat swatch online, aku kira warnanya bakal pinky red gitu, karena namanya ada rose2nya gitu kan, gak taunya merah gonjreng beb ! teksturnya kering parah, kalo bibir gak diprep dengan baik pake lip balm sebelumnya, dia jadi crumble. agak ada glitternya, dan keras banget, tapi nih kalo di raut suka patah :(. pertamanya bingung ini gimana ngabisinnya, karena gak pede pake lipstick warna merah sebelumnya, muka jadi galak soalnya. akhirnya aku campur2 sama lipstick2 lain, kyk wardah nude lipstick yg creamy rose atau nyx stockholm, jadinya fuchsia pink yg seger banget keliatannya. gak bakal repurchase, kurang worth it (tapi ngiler liat yg beach babe).

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



18 and Under

Combination, Light, Neutral

24 Apr 2019

i was looking for an affordable lip liner and i stumbled upon this. i’ve tried mizzu products before and they’re ok. when i first tried to use it, the tip completely fell off. yes it FELL OFF. so i sharpened it and tried again. the second time it didn’t fall off thankfully, after finish lining my lips it stated cracking on my lips. i’m like ok lemme put a lipstick over it and see how it goes. the liner completely cracked off my lips. all in all it’s not worth it even for the cheap price tag

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



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