CLINIQUE Long Last Glosswear - Beauty Review


Long Last Glosswear

Air Kiss

Rp. 0



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30 - 34

Combination, Light, Cool

18 Mar 2017

Got this product via valueset as a gift, I must say their GWP in the US is much more appealing daripada di Indo. Tentang the lipgloss sendiri hasilnya cukup sheer, cuma sayangnya formulanya cukup sticky and I don't really enjoy it as much. However this is an acceptable alternative for my easily chapped lips dan gak ngasi lip pimples yg kadang2 aku dapet dari brand lain yang lebih harsh chemicalsnya.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



35 - 39

Normal, Light, Cool

28 Nov 2015

Saya punya produk ini dalam kemasan travel size.
Saya cukup suka dengan lipgloss ini karena tidak terlalu lengket, tidak memiliki bau, warnanya soft pink jadi relatif netral (tidak akan mengubah warna lisptik jika di apply di atasnya), cukup melembabkan
Hanya saja untuk repurchase full size saya masih ragu mengingat harganya yang cukup mahal untuk lipgloss

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

06 Nov 2015

ive had this in both the little tup with lip brush and the tube, i will agree with the previous review that i did notice it leaked but that was fixed by closing it more firmly. as for the product itself-i love the colour it suits all, im quite fair and i love it but it looks so pretty and natural on tanned skin. would and have bought it again

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

09 Sep 2015

Pernah dapat travel size nya dari GWP CLINIQUE. sebenarnya cukuo suka dengab lipgloss ini. Ga terlalu lengket di bibir. Dan warnanya pink pucat. Biasa kupake dengan lipstick berwarna gelap lalu ditimpa Air Kiss sedikit di bagian tengah bibir. Hasilnya cakep banget. Kalo dipake single use, kayanya kurang bagus di aku, jadi keliatan pucat.o ya, lipgloss ini ada partikel glitter yg kecil banget, ga terlalu keliatan sih menurutku

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :