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18 Sep 2019
Aku suka pake ini kalau mau keliatan bibirku kaya lebih full gitu dan dia tuh natural ga gliter2 gitu ada sensasi dinginnya di bibir dan teksturnya pas udah dibinir gak lengket yang ganggu gitu, okelahh
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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04 Aug 2019
Aku suka banget nget nget sama produk ini, lip gloss nya minty banget di bibir .. dan efek cool nya itu lama banget, sangat kental dan cocok diblend sama jenis lipstik apapun .. ini semacam lip gloss yg wajib banget ada di pouch !!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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04 Jun 2019
A lip gloss with glittery finish. My first lip plumper. As a gloss: wears pretty, not sticky, not too thick, barely have color (almost transparent imo), the glitters do show up. As a lip plumper: not painful, but I don't really see a difference. repurchase? maybe another shade
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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