Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil - Beauty Review

Rare Beauty

Soft Pinch Tinted Lip Oil


Rp. 380.000



5 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

11 Mar 2024

beatrixmicha recommends this product!

Uda pengen banget dari taun lalu, tapi nahan2 karenatakut cuma impulsif, setelah berbulan2 ternyata tetep pingin! Nyari shade ini di sephora sby, sephora jkt, susah bangett!! Bener2 sold out dan ga restock, akhirnya nemu di sephora sg. Begitu ada stocknya ga pikir lama langsung ambil. Warnanya cantikkkk bangettt! Lebih cakep dari warna blushnya, yg ini lebih cool tone i would say (?) ada sensasi dinginnya, bikin bibir plump. Yang aku suka setelah pake bibir jadi lembab cantik banget. Menurut aku, texture wise lebih ke liptint dari pada ke lip oil kyk clarins. Setelah glossnya hilang, stainnya lebih ke muted dusty rose, makin sukaa!! Bener2 ga ada minusnya dari produk ini

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Cool

11 Dec 2023

eiline18 doesn't recommend this product!

tetumbenan bgt sephora ada stok ini, jd lsg beli deh.. eh tapi ternyata di bibir aku dia terlalu light jd kek ga keliatan kalo pake lip products, alias terlalu pucett.. so sad :( akhirnya kukasih temenku aja krn dia jg lbh putih.. formula wise sih gausa diragukan

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

12 Sep 2023

zelolo12 recommends this product!

Defisini aku cinta mati sama lip oil yang rare beauty ini, warna nya baguss bangett pink mlbb gitu, ada effect mint nyaa bikin bibir jadi lebih plump tapi gak ada aroma nya. Super worth it, walaupun lip oil gak kerasa oil nya sama sekali malah lebih ke liptint

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

25 Aug 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I've bought this at Sephora Plaza Senayan because this product is hype and I have FOMO lol. It costs 380k. I finally have it after its 3rd restock and it is such an achievement for me because I was looking for it at Sephora GI, CP, PS, and PIM, yet back then in June/July, it was still sold out. It has a nude pink color to my lips. It has super minty taste each time I apply this product, but that's okay regardless I quite don't like the minty sensation very much. I think it's just like D*or in terms of its minty feeling. It gives a plumpy look on my lips. It's minus 1 star because it's really missing from my lips after I eat big meal although I just apply it for 2-3 hours, so the longevity is not that much and it only gives a little stain on my lips. That's why I think it's not that hype. I'm still in a grey area whether I wanna repurchase it or not, but at least I already try one of its shades. Thus, just try one of the shades if you are really curious.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Light, Cool

23 Jul 2023

devitahaerany doesn't recommend this product!

Sempet bingung mau coba Hope atau Happy tapi akhirnya memilih Hope aja dan untungnya sesuai harapankuuu! Hope ini cantikkk banget, warnanya soft pink gt 🫶🏻💖. Menurutku lip oil ini ga kaya lip oil yang oily gitu loh, jadi kaya lip tinted aja yang ada stain-nya. Apakah worth to buy? Sebenernya so so aja buat harga yang lumayan pricey, waktu itu pas aku pake ini kulit bibirku lagi ga sehat, emang sih ga ngebuat makin kering tapiii jadi ga nempel gitu loh di bibir, kaya jd kumpul di tengah bibir huhu ga suka bgt 🥲. Terus warna lip oil ini tuh cepet bgt nge-gelap nya. Kalau aku pribadi cukup beli sekali sih dan ga akan repurchase lagiii 😩.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sephora