From This Island Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Beauty Review

From This Island

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter

Classic Nude

Rp. 149.000



12 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

3 days ago

riderxp recommends this product!

Beli yg Winter bundle dapet ini. Ada bbrp brand lain keluarin lip butter kayak gini cuma lebih tertarik sama brand ini krn warnanya juga. Ukurannya kecil ga terlalu besar. Cuma pas dipakai kecium aroma vanilla enak kayak aroma cupcake. Tekstur very runny jadi mudah diswipe. Dia bener2 ngelembapin bibir dan warnanya di aku nude ya kayak ga ada warnanya tapi bikin bibir sangat terhidrasi dan super glossy! Beneran sesuka itu, memang dari segi harga pricey but tbh aku akan repurchase.

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-6e8c1c86-2126-4aab-a7ff-7727f97aed1d
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-ea8d86ab-22e4-46a4-ba30-2e8500114676

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

10 Aug 2024

rilly_hermione recommends this product!

Tbh lip product kayak gini bukanlah hal baru. Ada dari brand lain yang udah lama ngeluarin model kayak gini. Tapi memang formulasinya tentu beda. This is so smoooooth. Nyaman banget di bibir, nggak lengket, nggak ada stain. Untuk warna nude gini my all time favorite shade. Jadi lebih sehat aja gitu tampilannya..

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-783182d0-a4c9-4ea5-80b8-7e7dcb2165a8

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

08 Aug 2024

natayanjani recommends this product!

It has quickly become a favorite in my lip care routines. This lip butter is a bit of a splurge, but it’s absolutely worth it for its luxurious feel and impressive results. The texture is thick and buttery, which initially might seem heavy, but it melts into the lips beautifully. It has a rich, smooth consistency that feels like a treat each time you apply it. A little goes a long way, making it perfect for overnight use.

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-0805614e-4b2f-4939-9c80-0ce77e3f0099

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Neutral

02 Aug 2024

rania_8 recommends this product!

Awalnya bibir aku kering dan patchy. Pas pake ini ganyampe 10 menit, kering2nya peeling dan bibir jadi kayak alus. Plus warna classic nude bagusss bangetttt, kayak nude tp undertonenya rosy. Terus aku suka banget bibir berwarna sebelum tidur, tapi gamau pake liptint malem2. Si illipe ini bisa dipake as sleeping mask! Aku bisa ngerasa cantik sblm tidur jadinya. Love banget!

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-24c6c0cd-3729-4e00-8ee6-b6a3037a99cb

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

31 Jul 2024

nesyawlnts recommends this product!

First time cobain ini so far enak bgt ini tekstur nya ga bikin lengket di bibir lembapin bangett dan warna nyaa baguss dan yang paling penting wangi nya enak bangett ga ganggu kaya wangi vanilla chocolate gitu🥰

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-3d05bf7d-f049-401b-9293-c87459d666ff

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

31 Jul 2024

Nadindahanny recommends this product!

Shade Classic nude ini bikin aku ketagihan pake nya karna warna nya seperti warna bibir aku, Teksturnya lembut dan creamy, bikin kita bibir lembab dan plumppy, hasil akhir nya glosy, wanginya kaya mocha, cocok banget dibawa untuk travelling dan sangat praktis

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-5bc4374d-5c70-449f-bbc2-9140d35481d9
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-08bdfb50-875e-4577-8c93-b86785df6b12
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-a21308b2-110f-436a-a4a2-aad7391b86f8
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-fc3a3977-9af2-4950-a7fe-f5c11765322d
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-591dd190-69a4-4bd2-ad39-d6c4008448ad

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Jul 2024

chezabelll recommends this product!

Warna classic nude ini lebih ke naikin warna natural bibir tapi bikin keliatan lebih plumpy gituu 😍 biasanya pake ini antara utk di malem as sleeping mask atau diatas lip tint supaya bibir kliatan lebih plump dan ga kering krn pake liptint gt 😁

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-f2c8927e-52ad-408c-b3aa-a5fa1b13b078

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



18 and Under

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Jul 2024

keizaarionne recommends this product!

Understand why this color solds out so fastly karena warnanya versatile banget! I really love how smooth it glides on my lips and smells really good. I mostly use this shade on a more casual day karena warnanya lebih soft dibanding yang lain.

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-c9be6f77-6cd4-4bd4-8201-4a1285478931

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Jul 2024

marantina recommends this product!

Mindblowing dari pertama nge-swatch lip butter ini karena wanginya enak banget, coverage-nya juara karena langsung nutupin bibir gitu padahal bukan lip pen ya kan, terus finishing-nya glossy yang cakep banget di bibir tapi tetep natural. Musti punya semua shade ini mah

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

03 Jul 2024

nadasushi recommends this product!

Pas nyampe langsung jatuh cinta sama baunya lip butter yang satu ini, kayak baunya enak perpaduan vanilla, chocolate, shea butter gitu. Warna bibirku, indonesian type of lips yg gak pink banget and a bit of choco liner around jd klo pake ini langsung kek CAKEP BANGET! Karena dia nude semi coco gt shadenya. Definitely gak lengket dan chappy on lips ya, sesuai banget sama expectation.

Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-9da7b0c9-c902-4732-8460-ff3519aad136
Illipe Plumping Lip Butter - Classic Nude imgfdn-9a5126d7-eddc-40a3-80a0-9287817987c6

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee
