Evete Naturals Bening Bersinar x Evete Naturals - Beauty Review

Evete Naturals

Bening Bersinar x Evete Naturals

Double Espresso Lip Balm

Rp. 48.000



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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Jan 2022

inggani recommends this product!

I kept this lip balm in a box full of new, unopened makeup, waiting for it's turn once i've used up my old ones. I was in a happy, long term relationship, committed to Chocolate Mint Lip Mask. Sampe akhirnya kondisi bibir ku waktu itu sempet keringggg banget post covid, mau minum air putih sebanyak apapun, pake lip mask di pagi hari aja ga cukup, jadi harus re-apply. Berhubung kemasan lip mask itu dalam bentuk glass jar, agak berat, dan harus di aplikasiin pake spatula juga, ribet yaa kalo untuk dibawa kemana-mana. Jadi aku buka deh lip balmnya, dan ternyata sama bagusnya sama si lip mask! Sama-sama ekstra melembabkan, non greasy, beneran nyerap ke bibir tanpa residu, cuma beda tekstur aja dikit.. kalo lip balm lebih buttery jadi begitu kena bibir, lumernya lebih berasa. Wangi kopinya juga enak banget. Kalo disuruh pilih salah satu antara lip mask atau lip balm nya, aku ga bisa! Harus punya dua-duanya.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

17 Dec 2020

giselanastiti recommends this product!

The most amazing lip balm I've ever tried. I've never tried any lip balms from Evete Naturals, so this one was my first experience. When I opened the cap of the product for the first time, I smelt coffee! Yes, you heard me! It had this coffee or espresso smell just like the name. Unfortunately, the scent wasn't that long lasting. The smell lasted only three days in my experience. Moreover, I loved the texture of this lip balm too. It was very smooth and easy to apply on my lips. The effect of this lip balm was awesome. My lips were very dry and this balm was such a good helper for the dryness on my lips. I could feel that this lip balm was a great product for moisturizing my lips. There was a problem from this product. Once you slided the lip balm up, there was no turning back. If you took the balm way too high, the product would stuck and you couldn't closed the cap. You should be careful if you wanted to use this lip balm. The price of this lip balm was a bit expensive for a lip treatment, but it was worth the money because of the effect of this product. I would love to repurchase this one, but unfortunately Bening Bersinar and Evete Naturals didn't restock it up just yet. I hoped they didn't stop the production of this lip balm since I really loved this lip balm so bad. Please bring it back soon, Bening Bersinar and Evete Naturals!

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee