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12 May 2022
andariima recommends this product!
Best lip care ever. Aku udah nyobain berbagai macam lip balm sampai lip oil, ini terbaik sih. Udah ga tau juga ini jar yang keberapa. Cuma karena bentukannya yang pr banget ngoles pake jari bikin males dibawa pergi, cuma ditaruh di samping bed aja untuk di apply malam hari sebelum tidur, dan pagi hari sebelum aktifitas. Bikin bibir jadi bener-bener selembut dan selembab itu.
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
16 Jul 2019
alvinda recommends this product!
Aku udah banyak coba-coba lip care karena bibirku gampang banget kering dan bisa sampe berdarah. Sempat maju mundur karena tau harganya, akhirnya kebeli juga, and this investment is worth the price. Kupake ini tiap malam sebelum tidur, dan bibir udah ga pernah kering lagi. Ini jg dipakenya irit banget, jd bener-bener gak rugi dengan harga segitu. Definitely repurchase !
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
21 May 2019
There are many products of lip care I have tried for over 10 years. My lips were not as dry as some other people with actual dry lips could be. However, I needed to find a lip care that would completely mositurize my lips so that they’d look less drier and feel more mositurized as well. My mother purchased this Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care for the first time when I was in the second year of college. After that, she had repurchased it for me again, twice. I used it very regularly ever since. I applied it twice a day. Once every day before doing my activities and also every night after I was finished and ready to go to sleep. I have done it for five years. My lips have got much better moisturized all day and all night. They are no longer dry as they were prior to me using it. Repurchasing it is a definite yes for me.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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