Sephora Hand Mask - Beauty Review


Hand Mask


Rp. 92.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

28 Aug 2023

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I bought it at Sephora booth at JxB 23 for 92k. I was interested to try it out because I was curious by this product. The mask is kind of plasticky, yet it's still breathable for my hands and I could still touch my phone screen and open some apps (though I was still slow to type). It has notes for both Left and Right hand (L and R) so that I won't be confused to use it and it also has two strong tapes for it to stick to both my wrists. It has a cute packaging and there are mangoes pic everywhere on both masks. On the inside, it contains net and mango lotion which absorbs to my hand very fast. I applied it for 15 minutes and let it dry without rinsing it off just like what its instruction says. I put it inside out so that I could use all leftover/excess lotion just to make sure that I use everything. Lol. It makes my hand feel smoother and moisturized. The scent really makes me calm and relax.

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Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily